Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

USC isn’t “too easy.” Maybe I’m satisfied with a practical goal? My GPA isn’t perfect, I don’t have a billion extracurricular activities to account for, I’m not in any clubs. Why can’t you just shut your trap and let me be satisfied with my family and I’s decisions on college? Why can’t I actually be financially practical???

Boys are so confusing

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@ girl from summer camp

stop trying to contact me after you talked about me behind my back
stop trying to contact me after you deliberately spread lies about me and my roommate, lies that were so unbelievable that the people you told them too had to ask us if they were really true

I get it was a “misunderstanding” i.e. you didn’t want the top bunk but you got stuck with it because no one else could take it: there is no way my other roommate who’s scared of top bunks could be on the top bunk and there’s no way i’d try to climb down a bunk bed in the middle of the night without my glasses

sorry you got stuck with that

but i would have been absolutely fine if you decided to rant about it to other people, ok? but nooooo you HAD to go talk about me and my other roommate behind our backs (literally). like, i was having a conversation like five feet away from you and you talk **** about me? really?

but what hurts me the most is that i though we were friends. i though we were actually friends. i can’t believe it. after nearly half a year, i still can’t believe it

and i still can’t believe the things you said about me! you said i was a messy person but you left a giant pike of clothes in the middle of the room! you called me bossy and self-centered when every time i tried to change the room temperature i asked if it was okay with you and my other roommate. i did absolutely everything i could to not seem self-centered and bossy and you call me exactly that?! with that you practically shattered all self-confidence i had in myself. i returned to being that girl who worried about every little thing i said, who constantly worried how others though of me. you pretty much destroyed my self confidence in myself and you want to be friends again?

you want to be friends with me again after you spread lies about me? you KNOW i cried when i found out what you said behind my back

you don’t betray someone’s trust like that and expect them to accept you again (at least for me)

god, i don’t want to be friends with you, not after what you did to me

i’m not the type to hold grudges, but i’m sure holding one against you because you chose to spread these things about me. you made your choice.

… that felt really good to get off my chest, I’m sorry it’s so long.

This isn’t venting, but it would be awkward to say this where it belongs:

You are all so supportive. I hope that my class will be the same way.

Sis, you know that I love you and that I’m so glad you got into your dream college, but don’t expect me to be like you. I don’t want to follow in your footsteps! I want to be my own person, and if that means I’ll go to a less prestigious college than you did, so be it. Right now, you’re just ruining our relationship with all your snide comments and catty suggestions. Congrats on that!

I already can’t wait until you leave for college. Only 257 days left…

Why would you tell me that I’m very handsome multiple times and laugh at all my jokes then straight up tell me that you only like white guys!? I’m Hispanic but born and raised in America so I thought I had the best of both worlds for years. Were you just saying that because you felt like I needed a confidence boost? I can’t ever take a compliment on my looks from people anymore because now it just feels like they’re saying that to make them feel better about themselves for complimenting someone else. There are probably a lot of people that think like you so now I have to take into consideration my ethnicity whenever I start to like someone which sucks. Like wtfreak. Good luck getting a Prince Charming with that ignorant little brain of yours. All you’ll get is Prince Idiot (not funny but whatever I’m mad)

I don’t like you Mr.P. I don’t care if you served in the army. You made physics a nightmare. This is a public high school in an urban area and you try to make it so only a small amount of kids get A’s. You said that you put a couple of difficult questions on exams to separate A’s from B’s. You also said that B+'s look better than B’s for colleges. NOOO! The universities that I applied to don’t even see any +'s!!! C is not average, and B is not above average. You’re sexist and your jokes were never funny. I only smiled at them if you looked in my direction because I felt bad for you.

I’m so sorry your parents and even your little sister are acting like this. I hope your brother grows up to be better. I want you to be happy…

I’m melting. The holiday season has forever been my favorite time of year, and usually I’m the most festive one around, but transitioning from exams to churning out supplements has stripped me of a lot of that Christmas joy. I’m feeling inadequate because I /know/ that I’m not going to get accepted to any of the schools that I’m applying to this year and I’m going to have to spend another year in high school and all of this is going to be for naught. I’m worried about the next three months because I’m going to be a wreck but none of my friends will know why or that anything is wrong. I can’t tell my school friends that I’m applying to college because they’ll ask me what the rush is or assure me that I’ll get in or assure me that I won’t. Also, when/(if? maybe? hopefully there’s a chances that I just can’t see…) I get rejected everywhere, it’ll be a little awkward to have to say, “Hey, I got rejected everywhere so I’ll be back for senior year!” though of course that will happen with some of my teachers but that’s fine because they’ve been through this before and know what’s up. My parents have been so helpful and good through these past couple of months (my whole life, actually-- I got lucky to have AWESOME parents), but it’s hard to have them read my essays which are close to my heart which I’ve produced and comment on them. Even though it’s not like my parents are saying that they’re mediocre it’s hard and I’m feeling defensive even though normally I’m so good about taking criticism and learning from it and it hurts to be so emotional that that’s the case.
Wow. Glad to get that emotion off my chest. It’s hard because I can’t chat with others in my situation because the '17ers are thinking about standardized tests and junior year and the I don’t belong with the '16ers who have their safety schools and match schools and know that they’ll have somewhere to go next year and are feeling like second semester seniors. But it’s okay. I’ll hit that “submit” button and it’ll be okay. I’ll forget I even applied and proceed as a normal junior would. And as meetings with college counselors start up, I’ll just laugh to myself because I know mine pretty well already.

I feel so nervous and stressed and unmotivated. I hate when you and your friends compare me to to others or say I am not “good enough”. What is the standard for good enough? Also, it isn’t my fault you did not make into that academic team. Please do not pile that negativity and anger on me. I honestly thought you were my friend. I guess you aren’t.

The amount of anger and frustration I have for having been lied to about what the top schools want is ineffable.

“Yeah, if you want to get into the Ivy League and other top tier schools, make sure you join a lot of clubs and be in a sports team. Do a bunch of community service and take the maximum amount of AP classes offered. Overall, just be a well rounded student, and the more things you do, the higher the change that you’ll get in.”

No. No. No. No. NO. That is NOT what they want. But guess what? It’s my junior year, and instead of following my passion at the start of freshman year, instead of developing a voice in what I truly stand for, instead of honing a skill in a specific interest that I actually enjoy, I’ve been coerced into doing meaningless activities that I and top universities don’t give a crap about.

I have limited time to become an interesting person behind all of my nice test scores and good grades. Limited time to do things that I actually care about rather than trite activities. It’s hard to suppress this anger, and I know that I have to keep my eyes locked on the future, but Christ, it really hurts.

I hate this family. Can’t wait till college so I can move out.

I like you. A lot. And it’s crazy since I know you like me too. Do something, dammit!


Hi, can you two please stop subtweeting about each other. Thanks, from the rest of the world.

Hello hi if you have a problem with me please talk it out with me don’t talk about me behind my back thanks appreciated

No, aunt, I will not tell you my SAT score because I don’t need to see that look on your face.

You literally complain about nobody liking you when you;re the biggest b***h ever. Nobody likes you


everytime i think i know you, you show me you’re just as fake as the others

You: “There’s only 3 sexualities, if you’re not gay, straight, or bi, you don’t exist”
Me: “Hm, no ace? Well, if I don’t exist, I won’t get charged with assault”
You: “What”
Me: “What”

I think it’s worth mentioning that the guy I was talking to is bi. FML.

hey, grandpa, please shut up about college.


oh my god just shut the fuck up

Your profile pictures are so cool/pretty/cute and mine is of a blurry cat

please explain to me how I had a 96% in your class got a 92% on a test and went down to an 89%!!! And I would love to talk to you about it but you always cut me off to go talk to someone else and I. DO. NOT. GET. Bs. I calculated my grade and I should have a 94% in the class learn to do math you fucking idiot!!


I’d rather be watching Grey’s Anatomy