Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

the entire suns organization is a joke
ucla sucks
aj mccarron and mike nugent suck
college apps suck

Me: literally dies trying to be an impressive student
Me, dead: ok but I couldā€™ve worked harder

Yes, Iā€™m outwardly laid-back and whiter than toilet paper. But Iā€™m hella serious about the things Iā€™m interested in.

Is it just me, or does the majority of your class cheat in order to have a higher rank? It pisses me off, but I wouldnā€™t report it to save myself from being an outcast.

Iā€™m probably gonna finish the year as salutatorian and it pisses me off. I could not care less about having the highest GPA or whatever; itā€™s just that I fucking hate losing.

Yep beotches in my school cheat just so they can have an A+++ GPA

Stop making comments about how my hair is ā€œnappy.ā€ I choose not to put relaxer in my hair because Iā€™m actually proud of my curls. I donā€™t wear makeup and dresses often because they arenā€™t my thing. Why canā€™t you just accept the fact that I ā€œdonā€™t care about what the boys will think of me?ā€ Iā€™m too busy trying to get into college. Also, why didnā€™t you stand up for me when one of your friends said my haircut made me look like, and I quote, ā€œa lesbo?ā€ Thereā€™s a reason why I donā€™t confide in you for any reason. It would be nice if you stopped holding grudges against me for things you caused.
P.S. Your hair is as dry as straw. Maybe pick a foundation color that doesnā€™t make you look like the Annoying Orange. I canā€™t wait to go to college sometimes because I always end up forgiving you.

Censor failsā€¦

Me, being short, playing Add-On

Edit: for a few seconds, I thought this was the ā€œWhat Pops Into Your Head?ā€ thread. Slow clap for meā€¦

Lol, same.

Every loss is a loss too soon.

Haha, this isnā€™t really venting, but:

Thank you. You were one of the first people who made me, somebody who was forced to retake Algebra 1, feel like Iā€™m good at math. When my homeroom teacher told me to go to your classroom, I was a little bit scared. After you asked me to participate in IML, I literally walked out of the room smiling through tears. I was so happy. I spent the remainder of homeroom staring at the permission form and smiling. Your subject, Geometry, was not what I was expecting my favorite to be. However, youā€™ve taught me to appreciate it. I truly enjoy getting the answers correct; not for the grade attached, but for the thrill of pure understanding. I really, really love your class. I think a large part of it is that youā€™re a very real person; a shockingly large portion of my teachers donā€™t really allow their students to know them at all, if that makes any sense. Unlike, say, my biology teacher, who is stoic and about as talkative as a statue, you frequently tell stories about your adorable grandmother or grading papers over Skype with your mom. Youā€™re a really good teacher, too. I think at one point you mentioned that you havenā€™t been teaching for very long, but IMO youā€™re very good at it. Despite typically struggling in math, I tend to easily grasp the material the way you teach it. Also, on the last day of midterms, you saw me in the hallway and congratulated me on my midterm grade. I was so happy.

Basically, your devotion to the subject, skill at teaching, and upbeat attitude have helped me tremendously. For the first time in years, Iā€™m truly loving math. Going into Algebra 2 next year will be kind of sad.

If you ever end up reading this, Ms. S, I hope you realize itā€™s about you. You are a champion.

Back here again because of boys, again.

Boys are the worst. Girls are usually straight but mostly better.

I know that Iā€™m so busy and eventually going to explode from the pressure, but I just canā€™t seem to stop this endless cycle. Time just wonā€™t wait for anyone

Frank Ocean where are you? ITā€™S BEEN 3 YEARS!

Congratulations on the new grandchild!

If I wasnā€™t already on warning this post would be filled with all kinds of profanity. The Bengals are worthless. Cut everybody.

ok i just typed my rant and deleted it in case someone from school finds it but it was good releasing my energy while it lasted
recap: im scared of everything and im scared i will always be the new kid and transfer everywhere and that is why i will do anything rather than go to community college because i will always be alone if i dont stay put for the duration of college

Yes, keep complaining about how $250k income is LITERALLY middle class and us ā€œpoor peopleā€ hog all the financial aid!

Iā€™m not ā€œpoor peopleā€ either. Shows how much you know about wealth.