Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

Second one.

Finally caught up on RWBY and it turns out Youtube comments and awesomepolyglot spoiled me for Yangā€™s arm and Pyrrha mourns. Hate Kerry and Miles too.

Procrastinating again too so thatā€™s biting me in the butt now.

RIP Pyrrha

I had 4 days of February break to study. To finish school work. I choose to wait till today. (or rather tonight).
I had 2 days to make a Valentines Day card for my mom. In the end, I gave her a card I made in Spanish class last Friday that she couldnā€™t read.

I had so many things but in the end time beat me to it. Sadly, time will probably beat me to all the other things that will happen eventually in my life. Iā€™ll die before completing anything significant.

I just -
I hate feeling sad. Inexplicably so, at that.
I always feel frustrated at myself, because I donā€™t know how not to be selfish, how to stop complaining, how to be humble.

Why did I mention my SAT scores? Why are those important? Why couldnā€™t I have just kept my mouth shut like my parents said I should? Why canā€™t I just be humble about them?

Iā€™m just -
I donā€™t know. I donā€™t know and I hate not knowing but -

Itā€™s like thereā€™s a ball of sadness in me, compressed as tight as it can be, its potency at the utmost. I donā€™t know how to excise it.

I didnā€™t go to ask a certain teacher for advice because you were in that classroom, and a friend wasnā€™t able to come at the last minute, and I couldnā€™t - I couldnā€™t stomach the thought of going there alone. I couldnā€™t stomach the thought of being under the scrutiny of someone who has already moved on, when I havenā€™t. Why canā€™t I stop romanticizing you? Why canā€™t I stop wishing that someone looks at me the way he looks at her? Why canā€™t I stop wondering if you have moved on that quickly, that you already like someone else?

I guess this is the only place I donā€™t feel bad complaining because no one from real life knows me here.

Sighs. I should be more responsible. I should fix myself but instead I just complain and donā€™t do anything. Iā€™m so disappointed in myself and I just wish - I donā€™t know. Even talking doesnā€™t make it feel better. I need to change from the inside out, but I donā€™t even know where to begin.

It was just a bad day, I guess. Not a bad life.

This was incoherent rambling aha. Sorry.

Iā€™ve never been so disappointed in myself in my life. I took the AMC 10 today, came home, and realized I got four of the easiest questions wrong by making the most stupid mistakes. Iā€™m not even sure about the rest. I probably managed to get a score in the 40s range, and I thought the prospect of me getting a score of 60 was bad. The worst part is that I want to be a mathematician. I feel like Iā€™ve just failed myself in the worst way possible.

Iā€™m so sorry. But seriously, why do you guys (as a whole) suck at not outing each other? Iā€™ve accidentally contributed to this, but geez. Itā€™s awful.

letā€™s be honest: menstrual cramps are the worst.

Real af.


Iā€™ll never forget you, Little Guy.

Must you wait until the last minute to write my letter of recommendation? Now I have to worry whether or not it will get to the designated person in time. I gave you over two weeks. :-w

No wonder they make models of proteins with a 3D printer AH THIS IS STRESSFUL

I want to get to know you better (in the MOST platonic sense possible), but Iā€™m afraid that heā€™ll be even more jealousā€¦

Why is everybody dying? Not even dead, just dying!

Message to self: No matter what happens Iā€™m very proud of you. :slight_smile:

Ugh, another week? At least we have an idea of when youā€™ll be back.

Are you serious? Weā€™ve been working on this project for a whole year and weā€™ve never been able to get it down since youā€™ve been slacking of too much. Youā€™re not taking JNHS seriously and you should be grateful that we let you work with us in the first place.

Dr. (Vandy Professor): You good. You did good. Nice. Awesome. I mean, dang. Thatā€™s awesome. Heā€™s so happy.

honestly? if youā€™re not able to understand while the teacherā€™s talking in spanish, maybe you shouldnā€™t be in an ib spanish class. you ended up with a b and contacted four different authority figures to get your grade changed to an a so you could be valedictorian. this isnā€™t even the first time youā€™ve done this, either

Your opinion is not truth. Neither is mine. Thatā€™s why we listen to othersā€™ opinions.