Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

Knowing who came up with gradualism will never help anyone in a laboratory setting.

ah - iā€™m normally fearless with my outfit choices and pretty confident in my outward appearance (the only thing i really am confident about). but after what happened with both of you, i keep second-guessing myself.

and whatā€™s worse is iā€™m not even sure if iā€™m just imagining things - would i even be important enough to be made fun of? doesnā€™t it show that iā€™m narcissistic and dumb for thinking of myself as the one whoā€™s being mocked whenever the two of you pass by me?

Why do you all think youā€™re the greatest person in the world just because theyā€™re taking 7 AP classes and are secretary of some club? Stop acting like youā€™re superior to the rest of the school. Thatā€™s not what colleges are looking for (and clearly thatā€™s all you care about). And while youā€™re at it, open your eyes to how many bridges youā€™ve burned trying to become the best.

:smiley: You did such a great job! Nobody could tell that youā€™d ever been worried.

I hate comparing myself to others but I do it anyway WHy
And I have to beat people in competitions but why

I feel terrible that I rely on your headbands to tell you apart; I encounter the same problem!

i hate that school has become a power trip.
i hate that i donā€™t feel enough running for 2, maybe 3 or 4 positions - even if theyā€™re for organizations iā€™m passionate about - because iā€™m not like her, taking 6 ap classes and doing sports and leading like 50 other clubs. i exaggerate, but iā€™m just so tired.
i wish i remembered days when school was about doing things you loved and that would be enough, even if you didnā€™t measure up to the best in your class. but now it just feels like some stomp over others to get ahead, and it makes me sad, because it makes me doubt that i can go places just by being nice.

getting real tired of doing things because theyā€™ll look good on a college app and not because they make me happy or because theyā€™re what i want to do
it shouldnā€™t have taken me this long to start to realize that iā€™m good enough and that i donā€™t have to compare myself to others or feel like Iā€™m not doing high school correctly.
i just want to live a good life
i am more than just student council or clubs or APs or honors

mAKe yoUr OWn FrEAkinG tHreAd

No more food in class or else detentions? How am I supposed to survive starvation for 6 hours? Why is this such a big deal? I understand the peanut allergies problem and sanitation and ā€œair qualityā€ but really??? I need food to concentrate or else my stomach is going to growl to be known it needs its fix on food. I NEED TO EAT IN CLASS

I actually hate student council so much, but I stay on it for college apps.

Sad, but true.

this was me earlier in the year!! ^^ but now iā€™m really enjoying student council.



Why are you everywhere? Chill

^^^who, me?

My pupper, my doggo, I hope you get well.

^^^ poetry^^^

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I know the path that I want to take to medical school ā€“ it takes four years. The one my dad wants me to follow for ā€œsafetyā€ and because heā€™s afraid I wonā€™t get into medical school (in summary, purely illogical, baseless reasons) takes at least 6 years. My mom is on my side, but my dad is stuck-upā€¦ Sheā€™s said this evening that she wants to divorce him if he protests and refuses to pay for college. I feel like my world is coming downā€¦ againā€¦

Remember that no replies are allowed in this thread.

Sure thing, pal

Sometimes I wish there wasnā€™t so much stigma attached to schooling. Also I wish I could just make choices without being ridiculed. Iā€™m taking APUSH next year and I told my friend I was taking regular US history but then I changed my mind. I havenā€™t told her because Iā€™m afraid sheā€™ll be mad that I ditched her for an AP class. Sheā€™ll get mad at me for talking about how Iā€™m tired because I stayed up late working on an optional project and stuff like that and it annoys me so much. I know It shouldnā€™t have to be this way and I hate that it is ):&:

I really donā€™t care about your opinions. Iā€™m so sorry Iā€™m taking a class thatā€™s ā€œfor the weak,ā€ but I enjoy it and am doing well. And just because Iā€™m doing APs, Iā€™m showing off?! Thatā€™s pretty hypocritical of you. No wonder everyone trashes you behind your back.
ā€œYou canā€™t apply to Stanford, Iā€™m going to Stanford.ā€
That was painful to hear. I thought I was your friend, not just competition. What makes you think I care about where you say I can or canā€™t apply? To be honest, I have more of a chance of getting in anyway. Last year you hadnā€™t even heard of Stanford. If I believed in calling dibs, I called dibs on Stanford a long time ago. But now Iā€™m not really interested in going there and I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m genuinely not interested or because Iā€™m worried about hurting your pathetic feelings.
Also, you claim that my safety, which has a 71% acceptance rate is a reach for me just shows how jealous you really are. Iā€™m sorry your inferiority complex is that bad.

Pathetic pupper
Freaked-out feline
Distraught doggo
Anxious animals
Concerned children