Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>thumper-- They are such a nice family, but since their kids have had 2 reoccurrences of lice I've just gotten too squeamish... :(</p>

<p>Wow, countdown-- hang in there, and congrats for all you and your daughter have accomplished, with obviously little help. I wish the people in question could read these posts.</p>

<p>to my Ds middle school teachers:</p>

<p>When you said my D would amount to nothing and not go very far....what do you have to say now?</p>

<p>When you picked your faves in 6th grade and gave them everything- student concil, academic club, starring roles in plays where are you stars now? </p>

<p>When you made me cry because you yelled at my D for doing the right thing, i can see know how bitter and lonesome you are</p>

<p>When you picked your faves for contests in writing and rejected everyone elses work, who are the star writers now?</p>

<p>When you look at all the kids you disparaged and ignored, those kids are doing amazing things now, but for 3 years you never gave them a chance</p>

<p>And to the school principal, bet you have noticed I have never given a $$ of alumni or any other kind of donation, I save that for others</p>

<p>And lastly, to the moms of the mean girls....I am glad they have changed, but at the time you seemed proud of how they acted....</p>

<p>I'll lighten things up a bit, and describe something I would really like to do (but would, sigh, never do), rather than something I'd say.</p>

<p>Hey you with the shiny black BMW convertible. Notice how the parking lot gets pretty darn full every day at work? Have you also noticed that there is a custom - not a law, I grant you, but a custom - that people use one parking spot per car? And you park your BMW slanted across two spots. Pay extra for those spots? Thought not. Okay, this is what I'm gonna do. See this can of bright, garrish red spray paint ? SSsssssspppprrrishh.</p>

<p>To the seniors every year who check their rank every six weeks and are are in first or second rank in our HS, it is not really a winning game to drop out of all of the unweighted arts and extra curricular courses and to manipulate the system. Once you are in the 4.0 category with a bunch of others, building an interesting personality is also a factor in college admissions, and obsessing over tenths of decimals is just, unseemly.
My number 15 received more offers and better offers because of being a team player, having the big picture of life in his choices and because he understood that pursuing an artistic endeavor is its own reward. </p>

<p>apologies to you deserving vals and sals out there if your school's system is fair to all, but there is an annual reward for manipulating personalities in my locale.</p>

<p>Also, on another note. Yo Yellow Page business ads. I can't decipher where the alphabet is on my phone after age 50. Please post NUMBERS not letters in your business ads for those of us who don't text message.</p>

<p>Okay first a light one, I would love to say to a person who parks in a handicapped spot "Do you play golf? I would love to know your handicap". I would also like to ask the driver of the lexus/BMW/Mecedes if you have to pay extra for turn signals since they never use them. Fianlly, the people at the store who park in the loading zone, what the heck, "are you to lazy to walk 50 yards like the rest of us?"</p>

<p>Serious rants, to the softball coach - do you know what you have done to my child's self esteem over the last two years? Are you jealous that she is attractive, intelligent, and successful in numerous areas of life? Do you realize that how you treat these kids truly affects them? You are the most uncaring, cold, umempathetic witch I have ever encountered and I bet 20 years from now you will be a lonely, bitter old woman.</p>

<p>To my daughter's biological father who has never seen her but teaches fourth grade and is now married with a five year old. Thanks, you had great genes, she is beautiful, smart, funny and a wonderful human being. It has all been your loss, you have missed so many remarkable moments. She deserved better but we are fine, you gave me the greatest gift of my life and for that I must say thank you.</p>

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<p>hayden, write with soap on the window, not spray paint! Get your message across without destroying property.</p>

<p>Thanks, all! I get a little "karma chuckle" out of the fact that when my daughter is accepting her degree <knock on="" wood!=""> on a nice sunny lawn far, far, away with me in the audience, my ex-husband will be filling out paperwork for his preemie twins to begin Kindergarten. He told me in vitro was done because he didn't think it would "take" and he wanted to appease his wife by trying. No offense to older parents on here, but the mere thought of twin Kindergarteners at the age of 50 exhausts me just thinking about it! :)</knock></p>

<p>Bravo to your post, Daviban, especially the last paragraph. COMPLETELY the deadbeat's loss!! Good luck to her and all the other kids, with an extra hug for those who had to endure more than your typical "normal" childhood angst.</p>

<p>Oh ace idea!</p>

<p>To one of my peers:
Your irritating obsession with always having the last word doesn't make you right. It just makes you an annoying rude ignorant girl who's never going to manage to deal with people in the big wide world. Don't try and tell me I'm wrong on things I've been brought up with and have the qualifications to prove it. You're just a smallminded ignorant spoilt little child, who acts like a four year old and expects me to be horrified when you say things like "I like so and so better than you". I know you've obviously been the babied "intelligent" child (note the punctuation...sorry do you know what that is?) all your life, but really, grow up and learn this handy little thing called "manners".</p>

<p>Actually, I can't believe it. I was in the middle of typing that and I get a patronising know it all text message! ARRRRGH!!!!</p>

<p>Okay, I'll bite.</p>

<p>To all those people who get puppies and then put them up for adoption when they're about a year old: "It's your own fault you have a rude badly behaved dog who poops in the house--you didn't train the puppy. Sure, puppies are cute--but now you're getting rid of the DOG. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You should have done your research. Any good dog book would have told you that border collies are high energy dogs, that labs weigh 75 pounds, that beagles are food-obsessed, and that poodles require a lot of grooming...."</p>

<p>Dear CC Parent,</p>

<p>Yes, you went to Harvard. No one cares.</p>



<p>When I see this I mutter half out loud "Maybe it's a mental handicap."</p>

Gonna add that to my mumblings :)</p>

I would love to say to a person who parks in a handicapped spot "Do you play golf? I would love to know your handicap.


<p>Some people who are entitled to a handicapped permit do not appear to be handicapped. They may have a condition that limits the distance they can walk but does not require them to use adaptive equipment such as crutches or a wheelchair.</p>

<p>I had a temporary handicapped permit for three months after a leg injury. One day, I forgot to take the permit out of the glove compartment and hang it on the rear view mirror the way you're supposed to do. I got a ticket -- for $250!</p>

<p>This suggests something that one could really say to a person who parks in a handicapped space without a visible permit: "Hey, you forgot to hang your handicapped permit on the mirror." If the person is a scatterbrained idiot like me, you've performed a service. If the person is not entitled to park in the handicapped space, you've embarrassed them.</p>

<p>But there are also people who manage to get the permits but don't actually need one. A woman I know openly admits that she got one just for the parking spot! I can't stand it when we're about to go out and she says something about how the parking will be bad and offers to grab her permit!</p>

<p>I saw two guys getting out of their little sports car, all geared up to play raquet ball, using the handicap sticker to get the good spot</p>

<p>I wrote down the license plate and decribed what I saw, and sent it in to the people that give out the cards. This was after I saw them in the gym, playing away</p>

<p>If nothing else, they would be checked out, bet they were using a relatives car</p>

<p>i am brilliantly happy</p>

<p>so please stop irritating me by opening my mail from colleges.<br>
wouldn't it be nice for me to open my own acceptance letters?
yes, indeedy.. it would.</p>

<p>CGM, wonderful threads!</p>

<p>It is just what I need today! Yesterday I had the same conversation that goes forever with my mother in law, she is "really sick and dying", and she is in this way since I met her 25 years ago, every time she wants to get something from his son, an "incurable illness" is affecting her, and always ends "I won’t be here for the Holidays and you will regret it". Many times I thought, "let us regret it!"
If we are going on vacation, we have to keep it secret, if we said it she would said "how you dare going on vacation, what if a get sick?" and in my mind goes "It won’t make a difference, you live six thousand miles away anyway"</p>

<p>Ah! I feel better now, thank you so much CGM! :)</p>


<p>I'm sorry I complained to others about what you said about me when we were both applying to Princeton. I do want you to know that it hurt me, but not as much as it hurts to see you receive rejection after rejection when we both know you're at least as deserving of Ivy (and other!) acceptances as I am. I'm afraid of saying anything to you for fear of sounding patronizing, but I desperately hope that everything works out for you next year. As for Princeton, in a way, I'm almost happy we were both rejected; our friendship is worth so much more than silly college drama. I hope you agree with me on that point.</p>


<p>that was nice, and I hope you can at least give that person a hug and share a coookie</p>