Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

A glimmer of good: my investigating helped track down the missing ring. Such relief.

Your DD is 9 years old. Get your head out of the sand and get your kid evaluated for ASD. It’s not normal for a 9 yr old to have toddler-style temper tantrums. There are so many ASD red flags in your kid that I’ve lost count. It was plainly obvious way back when she was 2 years old. It’s just so totally amazing how blind you and your DH are to it all. A friend who has 20 yr experience teaching ASD kids has said that you should really get her evaluated. Yet still, you deny and pretend there’s nothing wrong. Do your job as a parent. Fight for your child. And your DH’s opinion of special education is deplorable. I can’t believe that he thinks that special education takes money away from “kids who are actually going to do something with their lives.” It’s ironic since your kid is so very clearly a special needs kid.

I am so mad at you right now. You don’t even deserve to be a parent. It’s gotten bad enough w/your DD’s behavior that she stabbed a kid at school last year with a pencil. Yet how did you explain it? “Oh, she just HAPPENED to be flailing her arms in order to get a kid away from her and she just HAPPENED to have a pencil in her hand and she just HAPPENED to stab him with it.”

And all of your other attempts to gloss over the facts? OMG, don’t get me started. Saying that “she sometimes has a hard time at school making friends” is like saying Hurricane Katrina was “just a little bit of rain.”

I need another button besides like and helpful. It would be one to express how I feel about some of the cold and/or snarky comments.

Your office knew you needed approval for the whole breast ultrasound when I made my mammogram appointment. Why do I need to sit here in the dressing room while you get that approval.

Apria, you are unbelieveably unhelpful and bad. I cannot believe how difficult you are making it to get the patient the medical device this sleep study and physician have agreed is necessary for his health and heart. This is really upsetting that it is taking so much work and so long!

Whatever happens, I am very disappointed. I should not have knots in my stomach when I see your name in the news.

I would have to break my toe right before the holidays! :-q

“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream”

Please let your absence from work today be for something positive happening in that horrible situation and not another step downward.

It’s time to boycott that city by the bay. But from what I’ve read it’s become a cesspool anyway with feces on the streets.

You need to expand the sources of media you consume.

OMG. Phew!!! I need to get a couple of bottles of wine for the colleagues that helped me save the day!

I know that city. I walk that city. I have relatives and friends in that city.

In the words of Monty Python
‘do not wear your best sandals, we will be walking thru the sewers’.

Regretfully, those sewers are on the open street level.

MODRATOR’S NOTE: Please remember that the TOS apply to this thread, also. Profanity is not allowed, even if the user or site filters it.

WOW. So many new realizations today.
Dread telling you as you will be offended. But you are the one
that created this and my decision so 
I just want to be good with this.

When did weddings become so horribly loud?!

Please, let the loose ends finally tie up, so I can finally go and be at peace. I should have been out of here six years ago.

Thank goodness for moderators. That was going south quickly.

Something is wrong with your phone. How did it become my fault? I am not the Apple help desk. Your tantrums are childish. I’m beginning to think you might have anger issues.

This wait is awful!