I honestly can’t inagine surviving a nuclear missle and don’t think life after being struck by one would be pleasant at all for the survivors. I feel that’s the realistic point of view and really have a hard time wrapping my head around other views.
Nothing I’ve ever read has convinced me that this is a disaster to survive. I’m fine with trying to survive other disasters but not that one.
I don’t understand the need for people on social media to go on a post or thread about a topic and then tell people why they shouldn’t talk about it or like it. NO ONE is making you read the thread or post so why don’t you just drive through, please?
I am not good at accepting resignation to a situation that doesn’t need to exist.
You just are not this incapable which means it is from your passive aggressive self.
There are only two reasons for what is happening here. One, you are lazy and two, you know that if you don’t do it, I will. I’m tired of it and I’m tired of you.
Ugh, now S is sick. 101.4 temperature and congestion. This afternoon, he takes the bus down to Boston to catch the plane back to Beirut. This is not good.
Things happen in threes! A friend called because her adult daughter has been acting irrationally the last couple of days. I’m trying to get her connected with my kids’ psychiatrist. I’m supposed to be working, ha!
I fully appreciate the long time posters who post prolifically. I’m puzzled by those with (struggling) self employed businesses who post around the clock.
I’m only here during the day because I have the flu. Tested and confirmed.