Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

To all those kids out there who are going through a tough time-

Hang in there. It CAN get better.

Five months ago my kid was a sobbing puddle on the couch, struggling to finish his last weeks of school, blindsided by a breakup with the girl he was going to propose to over Christmas, desperate to get away from the cold, feeling left behind by all the friends who graduated a semester earlier. There seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel.

Today he is living in his dream city with his adorable puppy, He has a great apartment and new friends, and is getting visits from his old pals. Most exciting, as of today he is a new business owner In the industry he’s been pursuing since he was a toddler.

If you’re currently that puddle I’ll tell you what I told him. As impossible as it may seem, keep putting one foot ahead of the other. Find a good professional to talk to and keep doing the things that will get you further along toward your eventual goal, whatever that is. You deserve to be happy!


Oh, postal service
 Yet again, you have delivered all the mail for my octogenarian gun-loving neighbor to me. But in addition to the gun catalogs and gun magazines, there is a — wait for it — Conde Nast Traveler! I love the idea of idea of him sitting in his armchair, traveling the world, if even in his head because I know that he has never been further than the next state. I hope that this is not, as the wrapper says, his last issue

I’m so glad the teens I know are hard-working, pretty humble given their successes, creative, and kind. I’m so sorry for those of you who seem to only know entitled, bratty teens; you’re really missing out on a cool generation of kids.

Credit where credit is due, but . . . TV ratings? Really? TV RATINGS? You are a [adverb I can’t use on CC] [adjective I can’t use anywhere in public] [noun that doesn’t even exist].

You had me all freaked out because you were getting an F in your math class
today I see you got a C!!! I am so overjoyed to see the C but you could have spared me all the anxiety

This is supposed to be a trip for you two men. Why am I doing all the logistics? Why is NO ONE replying to my emails? You want to be in a big house in Europe, in July, and we have NO reservations yet!

Herding cats would be easier.

And don’t ask me what I want to do. I want to not go at all at this point. Second choice, I’d like to not let this turn into a disaster.

I hope you don’t go. You won’t be able to travel with the rest of us, and while we can be adults, there is no chance that we will interact with you if you are at the event.
After what you said to x, I doubt you’ll be getting any offers to stay with them.
You are an alcoholic, but that doesn’t excuse your disgusting language and insults. Go away and leave us alone.

You can be penalized for telling it like it is.

Daughter survived her first AP exam intact! She went to bed sick with anxiety, woke up looking like a dazed zombie and went into the test with a look of doom. Came out smiling, saying “not so bad 
better than the Barron’s review tests!” Now, we wait. Hope the smile’s still there when results come out in July

So glad the phone I found in the middle of the street ended up belonging to a neighbor’s kid and not one of those people who have been trying to break into our cars in the middle of the night. (Also glad the kid’s parent hung out in a car a couple of houses down as he came to the door to prove it was his and claim it)

Why do people pull up a thread titled, “How to [X],” then within that thread ask the exact same question as the OP, a question that has been asked and answered a half dozen times on the thread already? Do they think the answer will change just for them, or were they too lazy to read through a couple of pages of posts?

It must be so very hard to be your child.

The six of us have been meeting for breakfast once a month for over 10 years now, and for the last three or four years you’ve always said that you’re working at our breakfast time. But you recently told me you only work around 20 hours a week. Yeah, it’s possible that your hours are always scheduled at breakfast time, but I’ve come to the conclusion you just don’t want to do the breakfasts. Which is fine – I don’t really miss you that much – but I wish you had the courage to say so.

BCBS- Not sure if you are morons, evil or both. I think both. No, the provider doesn’t owe you back the $, and if you pull it back from other patient payments, they will bill us and it will be MORE than you already screwed up the bills over.

And “repair guy” that the neighbor hired to do a slop and glow on their house/yard so they can sell it, their fence is rotted, falling over and an eyesore. Um, NO I will not pay to repair their fence, NO it is not on the lot line (it is their fence on their property, NO I will not pay to rent you a truck so they can take it down and NO you can not put some massive log that you don’t want to move) behind the fence so I don’t have to look at the ugly fence. We don’t want to look at that massive log either.

So now apparently once a year my medical system wants to know my sexuality and gender identify. I probably could have refused out of principle but whatever.

I try to run the office equitably, but the rewards are not equal, and you don’t get a trophy for showing up.

seriously, your are going to be starting college soon and it never occurred to you to use google to find the answer to your question?

Tone starts at the top. At least, that’s what they taught us in graduate school and I think that I’m seeing that now. To get honorable behavior, it takes an honorable leader.

So in this top hotel you will not send a wine opener to our room?