Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Now if my older son could get lucky and land a professional job, I could really start thinking about retirement.
He doesn’t seem to want advice from me, but isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result…?
Hopefully he will consider the hints I have given him. A little coaching on interview questions and related etiquette would go a long way.

I know your grief over losing your wife is intense, and you are trying desperately to bury it in something, quickly. By no, no, No, entering a “committed relationship” after “three amazing dates” with an unemployed single mother you met on eHarmony the DAY she signed her divorce papers is NOT a good idea. It is not a sane idea. And judging from the dozen pictures you sent, she is either a stripper, or possibly a man.

ps - what kind of mother lets an older man she just met take a dozen photos of her on the second date???

You’re wrong. I’m right.
(Don’t get nervous, this doesn’t refer to CC. Rather, my kids. ) b-(

Dear child, I’ve been asking you for days to call so we can discuss your visa application that you’re taking to the consulate on Friday. NOW you email me, saying you need a document notarized? Well, it’s a holiday today, so you’ll have to figure it out on Thursday, in a strange city on your own. Good luck with that! Of course, I’ll help you figure it all out, but you’re making me nervous. I hope you haven’t forgotten anything else.

Our Disney trip is getting so close I can taste it!!!

God bless America, Land that I love
Stand beside her
And guide her
Through the night with the light from above

Oh, my gosh, trying not to swear. Latest development: D says she needs an official transcript and all she has is a letter that she’s in good academic standing. Well, dear, that will be tough.

She said she needs it by her appointment on Saturday. I responded, “Saturday? You’re sure it’s on SATURDAY?” She wrote back, “OMG, Mom, it’s on Friday!” Sigh x 100. I told her to have her school email the transcript and also FedEx it (I’ll pay for it), although she probably won’t get it by the 10 am appointment, even by Priority Overnight.

It’s a little discouraging. I really tried to raise her to be independent - I always had her make phone calls and do stuff on her own, even when it would have been easier to do myself. I really don’t think I was that clueless at 20, but I probably was.

She may be staying in PA this fall - that’s life!

Spent time today moving my younger son’s stuff from his college apartment to home. It brought back memories, both from dropping him off, and from my own college experience at the same place.
He starts his professional career next week. Another era over. (Yeah, no more tuition, and no debt for them. Our job is done).

School is finally out for summer FOR ME! Vacation at last until 8/27!

Why do I feel tired in my legs and ankles after every time I go to restroom?

So yesterday my dog hurts her paw so we had a vet visit and she is on meds to help her. Then my daughter was on 2nd to last step and missed the last step and comes down on her foot and tush. Well we go to doctor and foot is broke!!! OMG could have the day got any worse. Only good thing was it is a clean break so no surgery. Has to wear a boot 6-8 weeks while working as a camp counselor. Hope it is healed before college starts up in August!!! My family is cursed with feet issues :smiley:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. "

When you were little you kept me awake all night because you wouldn’t sleep. I longed for the days when you would grow up and sleep through the night. Now that you are a young adult you sleep at night but I lay awake worrying about you. The issues are so much more complicated.

We do prefer to hold the actual newspaper. But morons, the vacation stop was supposed to be LAST weekend (though you continued to deliver it when we weren’t here) not THIS weekend, when we ARE here.

I’m removing myself from the modern day internet version of junior high behavior.

You remind me of myself when I was younger, and not in a good way.

Please show up when scheduled!

D, if you won’t take my advice about what you MUST do to get ready for your visa appointment, there’s nothing left for me to say. Good luck, dear.

I am sorry.

When one is middle aged or older and gets the helpful last second idea of doing a deep vacuum/clean of 90 year old FIL’s vacation cottage porch while he and H are out visiting MIL, it’s an even more helpful idea to take pictures BEFORE moving things rather than assuming it’s a relatively small room I’ve been in for years, “of course I’ll remember where everything goes.”

I suppose it’s a relatively good thing to only have one life sized duck figurine and a throw rug to fit in.

Come on little duck. Tell the nice lady where you live… and which direction you were swimming.

And to the spider who dared show itself as soon as I had the vacuum off, yes, I normally love spiders and will relocate them to the Great Outdoors rather than kill them (even though I know you don’t have much of a chance out there - at least your body will be used in the Great Circle of Life rather than being total waste in the trash). However, I’m human. You should have waited at least an hour…