Thanks for trying, SimpleRules. Keep me in mind for whenyour points get recharged (if you are tapped out at present).
Sorry you have had a tough month. This little green love distraction is providing amusement and frivolity. Here is hoping things continue to look up for you.
garland deserves status as a “CC Legend” for starting the meta-thread! Best CC thread ever, with many a truth spoken in jest.
I am torn between suggesting that people vote for garland or hoping that we both continue to hang out in the dignified one-green-square crowd. (Nothing against my friends who are racking up multiple green squares! You are dignified, too!)
I wonder if the kids don’t care because they saw the little squares and immediately knew what they were and how to use them? Every once in awhile I’m startled by something my kids “just know” that I think comes from growing up with the technology instead of learning it as an adult.
Certainly they aren’t having as much fun as we are - I had to hide my face in my shoulder three times catching up because there’s a conference call going on in my next-door cube!
Must say that this has been much more fun that tne snarkfests and slugfests that sometimes erupt on cc. Working towards achieving the 7 deadly sins via lovies is much more amusing
After 4 years on CC, first in the prep school forum and now working through college, I have found many posters to be astute, thoughtful, and helpful. I found a community of parents in “my class” with whom I have shared a great deal and with whom I feel a bond as we navigate these years. Certainly, I don’t agree with everyone and many threads I read for fun (or prurient interest), not information.<br>
I am not here to judge or be judged; this new system makes me uncomfortable.
How does an administrator end up with a huge collection of RED squares? Was there a campaign to test the system at your expense? I didnt think we could negative rep anyhow. Is that Roger’s gift to you? LOL
I was actually messing with one of the settings, but didn’t expect to be labeled as the board’s worst member. This feature has some quirks, to say the least
I think the whole idea is silly, if not approaching dumb. And if “negative” reputation points are allowed, this site will implode in a hurry.
I am just going to opt out and ignore it.
I hereby solemnly swear and pledge upon my honor to:
<li>never ask someone to give me reputation points;</li>
<li>ignore any requests by anyone to be given reputation points;</li>
<li>never give anyone any reputation points, either good or bad;</li>
<li>never pay attention to my own reputation score;</li>
<li>never discuss someone’s reputation score, either my own, or anyone else’s;</li>
<li>never use someone’s reputation to decide whether a post or poster is good or bad;</li>
<li>anything else involving this cockamamie scheme.</li>
The fun aspect wore off very quickly. It was fun for a night or two, but now it’s just meh. I’m back to not liking it for a variety of reasons.
Really, it’s not hard, even for new people, to tell who is “reputable” and who is not. I just don’t think people need little green dots, largely earned through a game so far, to tell whether or not a person is “reputable” (which, truly, could mean any number of things).
This is really unnecessary. The CC user is very capable, and quickly learns who gives good advice-- in actuality. most opinions are very useful. The self selection of the site users, make this feature unnecessary. IMHO
I agree with the poster that said “this will not end well”. I can’t imagine a worse idea and will not take part. Is there a way for a poster that might have a little left to offer to disable this feature?
Speaking only for me, I’m not here to be rated. Positively or negatively. By anyone. Heading to the control board to see if there are any options.