<p>MAYBE SHE'S ON THIS THREAD!!!!11!!!!!1</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I don't see myself jumping on the Emma Watson bandwagon anytime soon.</p>
<p>MAYBE SHE'S ON THIS THREAD!!!!11!!!!!1</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I don't see myself jumping on the Emma Watson bandwagon anytime soon.</p>
<p>The AIM/facebook bandwagon is much cooler, anyway.</p>
<p>The Emma Watson bandwagon doesn't even have music, fer cryin' out loud.</p>
<p>i'm in love with emma watson ... have been for a few years now .. like since forever. I want to marry her. If she goes to Harvard I would totally go there with her (provided i got in). If she asked me to marry her i would.</p>
<p>^ That post becomes much funnier if you imagine the poster to be a really small boy.....and much dirtier if you imagine the poster to be a really dirty old man.</p>
<p>(....dirty old man makes me think..........Mean Mr. Mustard?)</p>