Scary Waitlist Trend

“Last year, we were able to offer 1896 from our wait list. In 2017 we were unable to make any offers. In 2016, we were able to offer 1697 students from our wait list. In 2015 we made no offers; however in 2014 we offered 750 students admission from the wait list. As you can see, the number of students ultimately receiving offers from the wait list is highly unpredictable and variable.”

Seems like every other year they accept 0 off the waitlist. Really hope that trend doesnt continue this year :frowning:

I don’t think that is the trend. I think with the new application process they know their yield number is very u predicatable and they will have moved toward waitlisting more people this year.

@cbl1 That would be the logical thing to do :slight_smile: