Virgina Tech Transfer Waitlist Fall 2017

What’s up everyone…

I wanted to start this thread for anyone who has been waitlisted at Virginia tech for the coming fall semester and for anyone to post if they got accepted as well as any other useful information anyone may have on the subject.

VT admissions has stated that they will not be taking any students off wait list this fall. Apparently their yield is MUCH higher than expected …the freshman acceptances look to be around 7100 students when they expected 6400 to enroll. So now they’re scrambling to find dorm space for an extra 600+ students.

Sorry to disappoint. Thought I’d heard VT sent email out to wait list students detailing their decision, but I do know there was a tweet from admissions stating they would be taking no one off the wait list.

I believe OP is talking about transfer students. I am not exactly sure if their numbers are tethered to the incoming freshman class since they will be at different levels and do not require housing. That said, the sheer amount of unexpected extra people on campus may impact transfers as well.

In previous years there has been only 1 waitlist I believe, not a freshman WL and a transfer WL (I think). They’re going to need to add class sections for freshman which would likely impact their ability to take more transfers (profs + space constraints). Sure they need different classes but in general VT has already taken that into account with their earlier transfer acceptances. But again, if they have 2 WL’s then who knows what they will do…

JustGraduate, I was wondering where u got your info from. I have looked all over the Internet and have not been able to find any statistics related to the fall semseter at VT.

@brucelee1 The Collegiate Times, VT’s student newspaper, covered the June Board of Visitor’s meeting where fall enrollment and budget were discussed (among other things)

Also Roanoke Times article