Schedule Help! (Junior to Senior)

<p>My junior year is as follows:</p>

<p>AP Language Comp.
AP US History
Math Analysis E (honors)
Spanish II (long story. moved twice, so i took different languages, but i moved back so i had to take 2.1 instead of II.)
Computer Programming/Piano I (Computer programming got canceled after first semester.)</p>

<p>So for my senior year I'm taking:</p>

<p>AP Govt Econ
AP Literature
AP Calc. B/C
AP Statistics
AP Physics
Piano II and Advanced (My performing arts requirement)</p>

<p>QUESTION IS: Should I take out an AP class for a year of Computer Programming C++? My aimed major is Mechanical Engineering - and it is recommended I know good programming skills to pass - the teacher has had many students go to MIT.</p>

<p>If yes: Take out AP History (would have to take it over summer school) or AP Stats (easiest AP course here, + good for my major)?</p>

<p>If no: Wouldn't it look bad to suddenly stop programming?</p>

<p>Take Stats online or not at all.
OR… take your elective online.</p>

<p>I took Business Law on Keystone High School dot com.</p>

<p>Bump! (((())</p>

<p>Take programming over Statistics. Though I don’t know why your school would teach C++, when the exam is Java based.</p>

<p>Self-study Statistics, or not at all.</p>

<p>Even though you’re aiming to major in mechanical engineering, you should probably get to at least the third year of a foreign language. A lot of other MIT applicants will be graduating with five years of a foreign language, maybe more.</p>

<p>^^ Actually, my school does the same thing for programming, first year C++, second AP Java. It’s supposed to get us into the mindset of programming, and you can have a lot of fun with C++ as well, such as the many games we get to make as projects.</p>

<p>Dont take AP Stats!!! One of the hardest math courses, BC is nothing compared to it. BC is a lot of memorizing formulas. Stats is trickery word problems</p>

<p>^Seriously? Some of the kids on CC say Stats is really easy.</p>

<p>I plan on taking Stat next year too.
I know it’s going to require some work but I heard that it’s not hard, just tedious.</p>

<p>Can anyone else comment on the difficulty of AP Stat?</p>