schedule planning for transfer

<p>I'm looking to transfer out of my state school (hopefully to a top 20) and I was wondering if it would look better for the transfer school to see a very focused candidate with a lot of courses in one area or a more diversified schedule.</p>


<p>GPA and rigorous coursework are likely to impact transfer admissions more than the area(s) of study. Colleges expect to see student fulfilling distributional requirements during their first two years.</p>

<p>thanks entomom!</p>

<p>but would the rigorous coursework pertain to success in harder classes and thus higher levels in a certain field over success in more widespread classes showing I can comprehend different topics and different ways of learning? I’m just thinking about this while preparing for my spring semester classes</p>

<p>I’m not sure it matters, higher level courses in either in a range of subjects or a specific field will be recognized. </p>

<p>Rather than worry too much about what schools are looking for, I suggest you think about what you are striving for academically and what your reasons for transfer are going to be. For instance, are you preparing for a certain field of study and trying to take as many classes as possible in that area; or are you still looking for what interests you and therefore trying to take a wide breadth of subjects and delving into them as deeply as possible?</p>

<p>Sorry, I can’t give you a ‘right’ answer on this because I don’t think there is one, what’s right will vary with the student’s goals.</p>

<p>As of right now I am not sure which academic field I want to dive into, so I was wondering if an array of Intro classes would look bad on a transfer app. I didnt mean for it to look like I am compromising my academic goals for the sake of transferring. My reasons for transfer do not pertain to an area of study not being offered, so I was just curious as to what other schools smiled upon, if anything.</p>