Schedule Problems at BAMA Bound

<p>Hey, PinotNoir, just wanted to assure you that the process really isn’t stressful at all. My daughter and her friends found it to be a breeze. They were able to get all of the classes they need and almost all of the classes/times they want. D is hoping to move Calc II from the 9:00 a.m. to the 10:00 a.m. slot, but other than that, she’s done. One of her friends is hoping a spot opens up in an honors seminar she’s interested in, but other than that, they’re very happy with their schedules. Good luck when it’s your turn!!</p>

<p>What I’m really happy about is that DD fixed all her scheduling problems herself. Throughout this past school year, she was so busy that she wanted me to get answers for her to most of her questions. </p>

<p>She spent lots of time last night texting a friend who will be a sophomore next year and is double majoring in biology and flute performance. He really helped her with advice on what she should try to take in the fall.</p>

<p>This time around, she emailed the music prof herself for the information she needed. She did have to request an override to be able to schedule a flute lesson, but that’s because lesson classes are closed to anyone who is not a music major/minor. The software doesn’t know yet that she’s a music minor and eligible to take the class. She’s taking care of handling the override situation all by herself. </p>

<p>She’s really looking forward to Dr. Caldwell’s bio class. She’s not looking forward so much to going to Chemistry class 4 days a week at 8:00!!</p>

<p>I don’t want to make anyone panic and think scheduling is difficult for everyone. Most people probably won’t encounter the limitations that my DD did. Once we decided to be a bit more flexible and open to possibilities we didn’t consider at first, we found a solution that is going to work very, very well for her. We didn’t end up with what we originally wanted, but we’ve learned what we got may be even better than the original plan!</p>