Bamma bound

Hello I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for bamma bound freshman orientation. If we choose to go to the later dates in July, will by son risk the possibility of better class times or selections? He will be in the honors program so he was hoping for some later morning classes :slight_smile:

We are from the Northeast and my dd was still in school during the first bb sessions. With graduation and celebrations we could not go until mid July. We went to one of the honors sessions. My dd had no problems getting a great schedule. We did spend a few hours prior to going to bb going through rate my professor and the online courses to put together sample schedules. She knew which classes would be her most challenging (due to the number of seats available) and she scheduled those first. She had a wonderful schedule and felt she had really strong professors. They open up new seats at each session of bamabound. The only tough thing to schedule was the honors year one class but they opened up new sessions. They do a wonderful job at bama bound - it was fun and informative. We knew she made the right decision after attending.

He may not get the perfect schedule, but he’ll get something. Make sure he goes in with a variety of choices (not just of sections, but of completely different classes). He will be able to add/drop after his bama bound as well.

Allegedly, it doesn’t matter which one you go to. E.g., if there are 100 seats open for a class, they won’t open all 100 seats at once. The first group will get a portion of those seats, another portion will be opened for the next group, and so on.

That’s how it works for the big classes, not sure how accurate that is for the 15 person classes.

We decided to miss a couple days of school to register early. If nothing else it will allow for a longer add/drop period to get schedule right. Think it’s just very important to be flexible with many class options and times. Sure it will all work out.

Thank you so much for your reply:)