Schedule Help

<p>DS completed Bama Bound today and it didn’t go great. Good thing he had multiple schedules prepared.</p>

<p>Two questions:</p>

<li><p>He will want to try and make changes. What time at each BB does the system release more seats?</p></li>
<li><p>Current schedule has 10 minutes to get from Science & Engineering Complex to Morgan Hall – Is this possible?</p></li>

<p>We were told a pro-rated number of seats open for Honors courses each session. Only 1 seat opened out of 7 UH 155 courses combined :(</p>

<p>I think classes open at 12:05 on 2nd day of BB</p>

<p>I was able to switch sons Math on Tuesday</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Last year my D was able to grab new spots at a little after 9 on the 2nd day of BB. I’m not sure if it’s the same this year. However, not all departments released their seats at the same time; for instance, when D was actually at BB registering, the English department didn’t release new seats until nearly 10.</p>

<p>SEC to Morgan is tough but doable. I could probably do it at least, and my legs are short. :wink: A bike, skateboard, or scooter would make it easier.</p>

<p>When I was at Bama Bound last year, registration was open by about 9. I was able to change things around pretty easily in the summer, and I think I got my final schedule done in the early afternoon of the second day of one of the sessions.</p>

<p>Also, those UH sections will likely cap at 15, so I would expect there are about 40 more openings that will be released throughout the summer.</p>

<p>Was this an Honors BB session? I wonder if they release seats for the UH classes only at the honors sessions? No idea but maybe that’s the problem.</p>

<p>No, it was not an HONORS BB.</p>

<p>Allison had informed us back when BB opened that Honors courses released every session, even non-honors, on a pro-rated basis based upon the number of honors students attending the session. I can only assume the number of honors students was so low that few seats opened. He was able to get an Honors Engineering 103 course (not at desired time), so there were courses that opened.</p>

<p>Thanks TNTide5! That SEC to Morgan is the worst part of the schedule. The non-honors courses are fine to him, it is the time crunch that is the worst.</p>

<p>My S has tweaked his schedule a bunch of times since he got home from BB. It seems like things are changing constantly. He even got a spot in a math class that has been closed since April. Hopefully if you and/or your S can keep checking periodically, you will be able to shift things around and get him the classes he wants. And as has been pointed out on this board before, this is really the worst it is going to be - starting next semester, they will have priority honors registration, so they should have a much easier time getting the classes they want from now on. I know that doesn’t really help right now, but it’s something to look forward to. :)</p>

<p>What are the two classes that are back-to-back, Longhaul? 10 min is very doable between those 2 locations (according to my S, with long legs), but if the SEC class is one where he might want to occasionally stay afterwards to ask questions or talk with peers/prof, then he might want to reschedule it.</p>

<p>We were told a pro-rated number of seats open for Honors courses each session. Only 1 seat opened out of 7 UH 155 courses combined</p>

<p>that may not have been true, or the problem may have been that it wasn’t an Honors BB. The Honors classes are not likely pro-rated for each BB. That wouldn’t make sense since the concentration of honors attendees are within about 3 BBs.</p>

<p>As for nonHonors seats…The seats open around 9am on the second day of BB. By the time students are registering (usually well after 9am), some of those seats may have gotten taken.</p>

<p>M2CK – There is one more Honors BB in early July, so DS is hopeful.</p>

<p>Aeromom – The 10 minutes is Chem Lab to Latin (only time offered). He opted for a non-honors Chem and there are many lab time slots that didn’t open yet, so I anticipate he’ll be able to change. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, there is a waiting period before he can make changes. The system locked him out until 5 today. Today is an “Express” BB session.</p>


<p>DS was locked out of add/drop until 5 pm.</p>

<p>Watched UH HYO Seminars and Chem labs open up this afternoon and then get grabbed before the 5 p.m. lift</p>

<p>I know he’ll be ok no matter what, but it just makes me want to growl.</p>

<p>Vent over.</p>

<p>We were able to get on this a.m. about 9:30am and make the changes DD wanted. We were shut out on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Does anyone know how long it takes for DegreeWorks to update?</p>

<p>momo’triplets: Just curious, what are you trying to use DegreeWorks for exactly? And what needs/-ed to be updated on there for you?</p>

<p>The “check-off” boxes at the bottom that tell you what classes you have currently. DD dropped a GEO class and replaced it with a BSC class. Same elective category, but the GEO class is still listed. Her schedule (on week at a glance) shows the change but DW hasn’t updated yet.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that this schedule is for fall semester only (not like HS where a schedule is for the full year).</p>

<p>The fall semester may not be perfect, but it will be over by Dec. In Oct/Nov your student will be registering for Spring. Pay close attention to registering dates/hours and have your child register the SECOND his time opens. (and be sure to check to see if his Registration Hold was lifted at least a day prior).</p>