Scheduling/IB Questions

<p>Sorry if this is in the wrong place, as this is my first submission to this form. If there's somewhere better for this post, tell me and I'll move it.</p>

<p>I'm a Freshman in high school having a little bit of an internal conflict. I love foreign languages (I'm in Spanish 4 IB and German 2), but I also think the brain and futurist literature is extremely interesting (Ray Kurzweil and Michio Kaku, especially on the topics of computational neuroscience and neural augmentation). </p>

<p>I will finish Senior year with a year of multivariable calculus (Algebra 2 honors, Pre-cal Honors, Calculus BC (I think AP) and then multivariable), 4 years of English (the last 2 being IB), 4 years of social sciences (AP World History, AP Euro, and then 2 years of IB History of the Americas), 2 years of Spanish (ending with Spanish 5 IB), four years of German (ending with German 5 IB), 4 years of sciences (honors Bio, AP Chem, IB Physics B, and AP computer science), and the required PE, health, government and economics, and Theory of Knowledge classes. </p>

<p>In the upcoming 3 years, I have three empty slots (six semesters) to take electives in. I could do French 1, ending with French 3 or 4, depending on if I do independent study, or 3 years of extra sciences (probably Astronomy/Human Genetics (both 1 semester) and then IB Biology (2 years)). </p>

<p>My question is, if I choose to do French instead of sciences, but end up wanting to do neuroscience in college, would my lack of science classes be counted against me? Would I be able to do it? </p>

<p>I'm also planning on doing IB. What is your take on that? Would it be worth it? Is it good if I do a science in college, or is it too centered on liberal arts? I'm not planning on going to college outside of the US, if that helps.</p>