Scholarship Check Question

<p>I received a local scholarship and was told that I would be sent a check under my name for that amount. The person from the scholarship committee told me that it is my money so I can put it into my bank account. My question is if I should put that money into my bank account and use it from there to pay for my school fees, or if I should send it into the Bursar's office and let them handle it. I would get refunded for it later on because I received full tuition. I was planning on using this scholarship to help pay for housing.</p>

<p>Would sending it into the Bursar's office result in them taking away some of my grant money? I'm really in need of the grant money, so this is my main concern.</p>

<p>Which choice seems better?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Grant money from financial aid**</p>

<p>Keep the money and use it as you wish. Much cleaner.</p>

<p>FYI - Scholarship money not used to pay tuition is taxable income. You are supposed to report all scholarship money to UW. Call the financial aid office and talk to someone about how to report it to UW.</p>

<p>Housing is also a separate bill, from UW Housing, which is separate from the university. You need to pay that directly, the school cannot do that for you. Keep the money in your bank account and pay that bill when it arrives.</p>