Scholarship (Engineering)

<p>Has anyone received a department based scholarship for engineering yet?</p>

<p>We have not. </p>

<p>Others may get these earlier but as I recall my S did not hear about his for the past 2 years until the summer</p>

<p>I sent an email to someone at the College of Engineering and got this response on April 1st.</p>

We anticipate to have the freshman scholarships completed within the next few weeks. Please have your son continue to check his e-mail for information regarding these scholarships.”</p>

<p>Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>Bump any updates</p>

<p>Bump anyone received anything from the engineering department (I haven’t)</p>

<p>We haven’t heard anything yet either…</p>

<p>I read in a previous post somewhere that engineering scholarships would be given out on April 23. Anyone else hear this? Has anyone received an engineering scholarship yet?</p>

<p>I still haven’t</p>

<p>With the new required BYOD policy, it would be nice for the Engineering department to offer some scholarships to freshman. The two they recommend (or require) are quite pricey.</p>

<p>Bump… Anyone heard anything</p>

<p>We emailed the college of engineering of Friday and we were told that there ARE NO scholarships available for this upcoming academic year. We plan to call but if anyone hears otherwise please let everyone know!</p>

<p>We talked to Fin Aid this morning. They also said no scholarships for freshmen engineering.</p>

<p>Not sure what is going on at A&M but things have changed a lot in the past two years. </p>

<p>Two years ago in 2012 my first S got a much nicer aid package than my second S is getting now, even though our EFC is now half what it was in 2012 and my second S had much better SAT scores, ECs, and essays.</p>

<p>Not only have the scholarship packages decreased, but it looks like the COA has gone up by 12%. Everything from the meal plans, housing and especially the tuition and fees (for Engineering at least) are much higher for 2014/2015. Historically TAMU has had one of the best ROI’s, but I think that is changing. We still love TAMU but we are also disappointed with this financial turn making it even more difficult for kids to afford an education.</p>

<p>These changes in COA are not surprising at all. It is a product of the politics going on with the university board of regents and the chancellor. The financial downturn also did not help much.</p>

<p>My S got an engineering scholarship today. Showed up on the Financial Aid portal. Nothing really big but every bit is appreciated. So, ya’ll in engineering might want to check your Financial Aid.</p>

<p>TexasAtHome - Congrats, I think your S was lucky. We checked and nothing new has shown up. We are still hopeful a few small scholarships will appear before fall.</p>

<p>Fortunate for your son! We checked also - nada.</p>

<p>whciv01 & tshusker – Thank you. Not sure at all how they award these things. Good luck.</p>

<p>S1 used to get dept scholarships (chemE). We were grateful for anything, but they were only $1000 so not a huge deal. First one was after freshman year.</p>