Scholarship Money

<p>I am an out of State Student and in my acceptance package, I was told I was offered a sum under the “Arizona Excellence Award”. <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>Is the amount offered final, or can I request additional funds? Also, my letter did not say I was admiited into the Honors program and was wondering if I can still apply to that program, or was my application alredy reviewed.</p>

<p>Mario, when did you apply and when were you accepted? I got the letter from UA saying that they had all my info on Oct. 6th but I havent heard anything yet.</p>

<p>All applications are automatically considered for the Honors College. With your scholarship award, I would bet you are a shoo-in. Mario, are you a National Merit Finalist? U of A offers $20,000/year OOS if you are, as a "National Scholar".</p>

<p>I appled in September and just got accepted. My letter said that I was offered a sum under the "Arizona Excellence Award, but I want to know whether that amount ois final, or can I request additional funds? Also, my letter did not say I was admitted into the Honors program and was wondering if I can still apply to that program, or was my application alredy reviewed.</p>

<p>I believe you get your honors acceptance when you get your letter. Many times folks will get a scholarship but not acceptance into the honors college. You can apply later though and if you do well in your classes it is fairly easy to get in. Check out the honors site. My D got into the honors college as a transfer but no money as it is harder as an in-state transfer to get aid.</p>

<p>There is a way to have your application reviewed again for the honors college, with additional information from you. The review application involves work experience, volunteering, awards, and I think an essay (besides the student statement) that wasn't on the original application. Check the website.</p>