Scholarship Notification

Does anyone know when this year (either called admissions or based on history) about Wake will notify applicants if they are finalists for the merit based scholarships, eg: Reynolds, Carswell, etc.? </p>

<p>In the past when have people been notified and when is the finalist weekend normally? I know the website says by March, but that's pretty vague.</p>



<p>Anyone here been contacted?</p>

<p>I haven’t heard a thing. :(</p>

<p>No word for my son either…I’d think they’d notify soon. good luck guys :)</p>

<p>Has anyone heard? I guess the notification of March 1 has come and gone and no word.
Really thought with these stats - 1/500, 1580/2330SAT, NMF, Presidential Scholar nominee, ecs, good recs and leadership my student would have gotten something? what does it take??</p>

<p>I emailed the office last Friday, 2/27, and was told that at that time they hadn’t yet selected the finalists for the Reynolds and Carswell scholarships. They had on campus interviews for the Gordon and Presidential Scholarships from February 26 to March 3. Since March 1, this past Sunday, fell in the middle of that time period, I wonder if they were just running behind. I don’t know how or when they will notify students of their invitations to campus interviews. They also told me that recipients of scholarships that do not require interviews should hear by April 1. Hope that’s of some help.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update, Zetesis…perhaps there is still hope!</p>

<p>pumpkin, with your stats, there is ALWAYS hope!</p>

<p>So no one has received any info yet?</p>

<p>swissmiss3 - thanks! strange no word on this thread from anyone yet!</p>

<p>In this case, I guess we hope that “no news is good news”?</p>

<p>I know someone who was contacted today about being a Finalist. Maybe you guys will get a call soon.</p>

<p>That sounds like they got a phone call – do you know?</p>

<p>Does being an ED applicant do anything with chance to get the merit scholarship…? In other schools, they barely offer any scholarship to the ED’s because adcoms know that they will attend the school next year anyway…but they’d rather use this opportunity to attract EA/RD students that would otherwise go to Ivy’s.</p>

<p>Tried to phone applicant. Couldn’t get them and emailed them.</p>

<p>Could someone clarify the notification process. Has everyone up for merits been contacted yet?</p>

<p>I was contacted as a Reynold’s/Carswell finalist Monday night, and received an email with the travel details shortly afterwords.</p>

<p>Finalist weekend is last weekend in March.</p>

<p>jmeek13 - would you mind posting your stats?</p>