Scholarship Offers not including B/K

<p>^^^ Calm down Pollyo. It costs the university the same amount for each student, no matter where they come from, so as long as the OOS kids pay more than you its probably a plus for the in-state kids. Remember this too, the national rankings like a high percentage of out of state kids at least applying. My in-state D will not be using her $4500/yr(2yr) UMD scholarship because she likely will accept a full tuition scholarship as an OOS at another states school. Thank God!</p>

<p>yea i got the $5000 scholarship but people from oos with similar stats seem to have gotten the $8000. it's understandable though</p>

<p>Yup, it's pretty understandable. </p>

<p>The 8,000 president's is 3,000 more a year, and OOS tuition is a little bit more than that much extra a year. It's not like they are getting a ton of extra money <em>rolls eyes</em>. UMD students have a lot to benefit by the school trying to attract OOS kids, including more diversity, improved rankings, and ultimately more funds for the school.</p>

<p>For in-state middle class families that don't qualify for aid at private schools, the UMD bill is definitely still the most affordable option with or without a scholarship (already almost 100 grand cheaper than privates). At all of the other schools I've applied to (ranked higher than UMD), I've gotten much bigger merit scholarships...but guess what...UMD is still LESS than half the cost of the other options. So people should probably think about that when they complain about their "****ty" scholarships.</p>

<p>For this past year's tuition, $3,953.00 Spring semester for resident full-time undergraduate students ; $10,672.50 Spring semester for non-resident full-time undergraduate students. That's almost $14,000 per year more per year for OOS tuition. Thanks for the folks who recognize the value of enticing high-caliber kids to UMD! (If it's any consolation, only about 10% of Banneker/Key goes to OOS kids, I was told).</p>

<p>Yeah they were definitely more generous to OOS.</p>

<p>88 uw gpa(!!)
2160(1430 m/v)
Average EC's</p>

<p>President's Scholarship $8000/year.</p>

<p>They must've really liked my essays and recommendations I guess.</p>

<p>What are these scholarships based on? for example, my best friend who got into the honors program and applied by the proity date and got 2000 a year...whereas i, who neither made it into honors nor applied by the proity date, am going to recieve 5000. Its a little wierd..</p>

<p>Dean's Scholarship 1500 for the 1st year
White Male, In-State
3.7 UW, 4.4 W, 20/340
1400/2030 SAT
Engineering, Honors Program</p>

<p>Definitley still worth it.</p>

<p>My son's stats:</p>

<p>Deans Scholarship, $4,500 2 years (in-state, 2 years pre-paid)
Multi-racial, white/asian
690 Verbal/770 Math/620 Writing
3.2 UW, 4+ weighted (I don't remember), 8 AP's
Top 10% (School doesn't rank), large school almost 3,000 total
Political science, Honors</p>

<p>Just got another $6000/year from Clark School of Engineering</p>

<p>A778999---that's awesome! Congrats!!!</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>$4,500/year for 2 years - Dean's Scholarship
$3,000/year for 4 years - College of Engineering
White Male
780 Math, 670 Reading, 690 Writing
3.95 UW, 4.58 W
In state</p>

<p>My friend:
700 math 620 verbal 600 (maybe lower/maybe higher but not above 620)
3.9 hardest courseload
ec: competive gymnastics level 9, softball for school (varsity) and league, swimming varsity (went to states), key club treasurer
President's 2000 a year</p>

<p>I just got a notice of a $3,000/year scholarship for engineering! :) :) + $5,000 a year presidential's.</p>


<p>The engineering scholarships stack in addition to any general university scholarship, correct?</p>

<p>Wow....I feel like UMDCP really wants me.</p>

<p>8,000 a year presidential scholarship
12,000 a year engineering scholarship
scholars program
inventus: engineering leadership program</p>

<p>NJ White Male
SAT: 2150 (760M, 670CR, 720W)
SATII: IIC: 800, USH: 680
GPA: 3.8/4.4
Rank: 3/326
Essays: Good/great
Recs: Good/great
Additional Info: I did a 11 day leadership conference there, so that probably showed a lot of interest.
Comments: UMD has moved to the top of my current list of schools I've been accepted to!</p>

<p>Congrats, X!</p>

<p>Dean's scholarship - 4500/two years
Engineering scholarship - 5000/four years</p>

<p>Asian chick
In state (Howard County, crappy public school)
SAT: 2150 (690 M, 770 CR, 690 W)
GPA: 3.86 UW
Honors Humanities + Gemstone</p>

<p>Okay so I was a total idiot and put my major down as bioengineering when really I don't even know what that is, and what I really wanted to do is premed/life sciences. WHAT ARE MY CHANCES that my engineering scholarship can be transferred to the life sciences department? I have a nasty feeling that the only reason I got any money from the engineering school is because I am a girl :(</p>

<p>If you drop engineering you will lose the engineering scholarship. You could probably apply for a scholarship in CCLS, but the scholarship likely won't transfer across colleges.</p>