Scholarship Question

<p>When I applied to several scholarship organizations, I stated which university I was planning on attending in the Fall but as most of you know things change. </p>

<p>I know for some of the scholarships that I applied for, the university you stated in your application plays a major factor; it's the bases of your eligibility for the scholarship. </p>

<p>So, if I were to supposedly "win" this scholarship, I'm sure it wouldn't make that big of a difference. In the application, they asked which university would you most likely attend and not "which one are you FOR SURE planning on attending?". </p>

<p>They know, like everyone else knows, that people change their mind and things aren't set in stone. I applied to these scholarships a long time ago and the deadlines were in the Spring, which I assume is why they had the deadlines there in the first place because supposedly by then you would have already made your decision. That's logical, but for those few individuals who are so indecisive (to a degree) it's not that simple (ME! ME! ME!).</p>

<p>So, if you've changed your mind about which university you want to attend, does it really matter?</p>

<p>From personal experience, if you win one, call. Explain the situation that you changed your mind on your school. It worked for my daughter. They let her keep the scholarship.</p>