scholarship reconsideration

<p>I am emailing admissions to reconsider a scholarship for me---
is there anything i should add in it? I am saying why they should and what i bring to them, but what else</p>

<p>Do not e-mail, mail a real letter on paper. You may be too late since the deadline is so close but I would do both. I have a friend who e-mailed last year and got nothing. I mailed a letter at the end of March and I was granted additional scholarship money. I think it shows you care a little more. :slight_smile: If you have another school you’re considering and price difference is a factor for you, include that in your letter as well. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you! So say I am considering UCF honors college? cause thats where I am going lol</p>

<p>This is probably an unlikely occurrence, however I will pose the question nevertheless. Once students who were offered large financial aid packages (merit and/or need) decide to decline and attend another school, what’s the likelihood of Miami increasing the aid of others? Since many of those who may choose to decline won’t do so much sooner than May1st, after those attending have left deposits, will the school simply assume that they have you now, so need to offer you more? Do they simply bank the declined money?Just curious if anyone has had this experience and/or know of how other schools handle similar situations.</p>