Scholarship Stacking

None of my guidance counselors can seem to help me with this…

How do Florida Pre-Paid and Florida Bright Futures stack on each other? I have tuition paid for through Pre-Paid, and I quality for the top tier of Bright Futures. I’m assuming Pre-Paid will cover my tuition first, but then how does Bright Futures apply considering it’s awarded through a credit hour system? Will this money go toward books and housing, and if so, how much will it be?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Florida Pre-Paid will pay first. Then BF. Both pay out based on credit hour. After paying tuition, BF will also pay (I think) any other charges in your UF account. After that, the extra $, if any, gets deposited into your bank account.

Pre-paid housing, works a little different, as it would only pay for your housing cost (and isn’t based on credit hour).