
<p>Who else got the “Excellence Scholarship” to U of A?</p>

<p>What were your GPA/ ACT/ SAT/ class rigor/ extra currics. / race etc.?</p>

<p>I did, $8,000 a year
GPA: 3.67
ACT: 32
SAT: 2080
Class rigor: college prep, AP and honors classes
Extra curriculars:varsity soccer, honor choir, years of piano, volunteering, theatre, secretary of music honor society
Race: white</p>

<p>I think that’s all they got from the application, I probably got it because of my test scores.</p>

<p>I was offered an excellence scholarship of $14,000/year.
GPA: 4.0
SAT: 2340
Class rigor: AP & honors courses, advanced in math, science and Spanish
Extracurriculars: Chamber orchestra (violin), piano, state-competing in Knowledge bowl & math team, president of Honor Society, volunteering
Race: white</p>

<p>But since I’m a National Merit Finalist, instead of the excellence scholarship I get the NMF Award of $30,000/year.</p>

<p>BTW: I’m out-of-state, if that makes a difference.</p>