<p>Hey, I got in EA to Villanova, but I missed the deadline for the presidential scholarship. I'll call the school (they're closed today) but does anyone know if theres any chance they can make an exception and let me apply? I'm a legitimate candidate, with a 1530/2230, and in the top ten percent of my class. </p>
<p>oh and when do they notify about other scholarships?</p>
<p>i think they are pretty firm about it…as it was originally the 15th and then changed to the 22nd for the principal recommendation, i’m pretty sure they are firm about it…when i was talking to Dr. Nance, I had asked for a single day extension and she said they couldn’t change any deadlines…</p>
<p>i also asked for an extension and they said no</p>
<p>My N got some merit aid at Villanova two years ago…(that was before they changed the way the presidential scholarship worked). She was notified in February(for an EA acceptance). If you are RD, you will find out on Novasis with your acceptance in March.</p>