Scholarships - attainable? San Diego State University

I am an entering freshman for Fall of 2017 and I am a child development major. I was wondering how rare would it be for SDSU students to receive scholarships/how common.

Did you apply to any? SDSU does not give automatic scholarships (merit aid) unless you apply to a specific scholarship(s) except for the Webers Honor’s Scholarships but still need to apply to the Honor’s college first.

The university has quite a few scholarships available, but since it is a campus of 33,000+ students, statistically only a very small percentage of students receive them. As the post above states, you do need to complete an application packet since most are not automatically given. For the majority of the institutional scholarships, you really have to research the SDSU website to find them, especially since many campus clubs/honor societies also offer scholarships to their members, and it is only mentioned on the clubs/societies’ website pages. My kid has an SDSU scholarship, so it is possible to get them, you just have to really research to find them and then apply. Work Study is also an option, but, if you were not notified that you received it, you need to call the school’s Financial Aid office to see if you qualify.

Here’s a few of the most popular (the deadline for many has passed, so you need to constantly check these sites to see when the next round of applications are accepted).
SDSU’s Main Scholarship page -
Alumni Scholarship page -
Guardian Scholars Program (foster care youth) -