Scholarships for women planning on majoring in mathematics?

<p>Hello everyone... I am brand new to this website, and this is my first post, so don't yell at me if I'm doing something wrong! :) I was just wondering if anyone had experiences with scholarship programs for women planning on majoring in mathematics. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I have two Ds–both math majors. Neither was offered any special scholarship consideration for being math majors. (Probably because women in math are not so rare as they used to be. D1 reported that about 1/3 to 1/2 of her math degree cohort were female. D2 reports slightly lower numbers at her school but still close to one-third.) </p>

<p>The SMART grant (a federal merit-based award for math and science students) was discontinued this year.</p>

<p>Unless you are a Siemens winner or something like that, your best chance for a math-related scholarship would probably be through the math department at the colleges you’re applying to. Or through national or international mathematics contests. AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics) doesn’t offer any undergrad scholarships at all. The American Statistical Society has one scholarship for women, but it’s for PhD candidates only.</p>