Scholarships from outside sources?

<p>If you were to get scholarships from other programs who send the checks to Brown’s financial aid office directly does the financial aid office subtract that money from the amount you are supposed to pay? Or do they take that amount and reduce the amount they are giving you?</p>

<p>I know some schools will take that scholarship money from you so you are basically paying the same amount but does brown do this?</p>


<p>Outside scholarships can only reduce the amount of student loans and Student contribution (work study, summer work). Loans can’t be used to reduce the parent contribution.</p>

<p>We were asked where we wanted to apply the money, in the order of our preference:

  1. Reduce student loan (we didn’t have to take out a loan-- our income was below the requirement for a loan
  2. Reduce the amount of summer contribution from the student
  3. Reduce the amount of work study required
    and there is another option that was not available to us several years ago: apply it to a computer purchase.</p>