scholarships other than NHRP

<p>My cousin's daughter is a senior in high school in Colombia. She has both a US passport and a Colombian passport. She has not taken PSATs or SATs. I think she took TOEFL. They have an extremely low wage income but some more substantial investment assets so they may not get much financial aid. They have asked me if I know about any scholarships that are offered for Hispanics. I don't know where to start looking. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

<p>There are links to outside scholarships in the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum.</p>

<p>For Institutional scholarships, you need to check college websites or provide more information so that members know ones for which she’d be a reasonable candidate.</p>

<p>none that i can find</p>

<p>Reeldancer: Sorry but you are not looking hard enough. If you can’t find it then write to admissions or the latino recruiter at schools you are interested in about them. Many schools offer scholarships directed at Latinos other than NHRP. You just need to go school by school and look under merit scholarships or financial aid. Here is one such scholarship: [url=&lt;a href=“Merit-based scholarships - The Ohio State University”&gt;Merit-based scholarships - The Ohio State University]Scholarships[/url</a>] Look at Morrill Scholarship. It is awarded to Latinos. </p>

<p>The resource sticky thread has a lot more. I have included a document by the Hispanic Congressional Caucus that lists a ton of scholarships.</p>