Scholarships @ Stanford.

<p>Hey guys. I know that a university like Stanford probably does not have merit-based scholarships, but I'm wondering if it has ANY at all? WashU has a lot of scholarships (my other first choice school), but I've yet to look in depth at Stanford. </p>

<p>Also, do they have certain scholarships for certain ethnicity groups? I'm Native American and I know Stanford has a huge Native community, so I'm just curious.......</p>

<p>Thanks and good luck with your entire search process!</p>

<p>As far as I know, Stanford gives one scholarship to everyone (eligible for financial aid beyond work-study): the Stanford Fund Scholarship, which varies in amount, depending on the person’s need.</p>

<p>So this fund is only for those applying for financial aid?</p>

<p>Yes, you have to apply for financial aid before you are considered for the Stanford Fund Scholarship which is need-based.</p>

<p>There are no merit scholarships at Stanford, only need-based ones.
(I am assuming you are not a recruited athlete…)</p>

<p>For a few people each year, the ‘Stanford Fund Scholarship’ designation is changed to a specific named source from specific donors who indicate what kind of person they want to receive from their endowment.</p>

<p>You will have to thank and meet the donor, a great opportunity which marks the main difference, but these are invariably administered by FAO as Financial Aid as well. You cannot apply for any of them.</p>

<p>nngmm is correct. Stanford gives need-based aid only, with the exception of athletic scholarships.</p>