Does Stanford offer merit based scholarship, and if so, earlier application needed?

<li><p>Did I understand this correctly: from what's posted on Stanford web site, it appears scholarship offers from Stanford are need based only?</p>


<li><p>If there <em>are</em> merit based scholarships, does the school require the common application to be turned in earlier, by December 1st, for consideration for those scholarships? I've heard that some schools require this for their merit based scholarships.
Thanks in advance.</p></li>

<p>Stanford does not offer merit scholarships. My D is a Stanford freshman this year. However they do have a very generous Needs based financial aid program. I believe that about half of this year’s freshman class received some level of financial aid. They have an on-line calculator that will assist you in determining what financial aid you might receive. Good luck!</p>

<p>If Stanford offered merit based scholarships, then everyone in the school would be on one.</p>