Scholastic art and writing awards 2022 - 2023

Hi everyone,

A lot of you guys probably don’t know who I am because, I swear, it’s literally been two years since I’ve come on here. But, in short, I used to be a very frequent user on college confidential regarding creative writing competitions and opportunities in high school (I’m in college now :stuck_out_tongue:). I often talked in a lot of the forums (i.e. Scholastic, Young Arts, etc) and even created a few like I’m doing now. In terms of scholastic specifically though, my last year of participating in the scholastic art and writing awards was 2019-2020. So not super long ago but still pretty far LOL. I’ve been participating in scholastic since 2017 and sadly . . . I never got a medal. No matter how hard I tried to write a better story and read from the galleries and get inspired, it just never happened for me. I crossed my fingers like heck hoping that I’d get the turn around I dreamed of during my senior year (2020) only to be notified that I lost. Considering that it was my last year, I was really devestated. SO devestated to the point where I completely disappeared into the ether on a lot of the writing forums I was participating in, even in forums where I promised I’d keep some good user friends I made on here who were rooting for me that I’d keep them up to date with my progress. But I figured I should finally step up and speak up now, even if it is rather late. :joy:

I’m sure those of you who are like “okay but seriously, who the heck is this person and why are they writing this speech?” LOL, well I just want to say that the gist of why I’m making this post (besides updating) is to give you guys an encouraging head start. Rejection does suck, 100%! But just because we writers get rejected doesn’t make us any less of a great writer nor does it define us. I want you all to know that you’re incredible writers and I’m super excited for you all in this year’s scholastic season. I hope you guys get the silver/gold keys, honorable mentions, and medals that you’re aspiring for. And even if you don’t, just remember to pick yourself up and keep writing. I know so many fantastic writers who’ve gotten a lot of rejections for their pieces but hey! Later on, they got another writing opportunity to have their work shine or finally got the overdue recognition they didn’t get earlier even if it came in the form of one reader absolutely loving their work!

In short, I’m cheering for all of you for both the wins and the losses. Writing can definitely feel discouraging at times, especially with these contests. But I want to remind you guys that you’re not alone and you’re valid no matter what you receive! This is probably the last post/response I’ll be posting on this site. But I felt the need to give my two sense and writing contest experience and encouragement before yeeting out for good :slight_smile:

On that note, I once again wish you guys the greatest of luck and am sorry for the long, unwarranted tangent! :joy:


today is the deadline for my region. I think the deadline got extended. Good luck!

Today is reginal award announcing day, does anyone get gold or silver key?

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My daughter received 3 Gold Keys for her Art (2 for painting, 1 for drawing).

Our 8th grader just got a gold key in art :smile:

I got a silver key in writing!!

nat’l results today… has anyone been able to see theirs yet?

my login page still shows the regional stuff…anyone else?

same here