<p>So the region at large awards were announced today
I won 5 for writing and I have won 3 in the past two years but I only have one national medal thus far. </p>
<p>I was wondering how prestigious/legitimate the Scholastic awards are and how impressive they are to elite colleges?</p>
<p>I am wondering the answer to this myself. Are these awards at all important to college (I am wondering because I might submit my novel this year)</p>
<p>Congrats! For those who aren’t familiar with the program, Scholastic Art is one of the most prestigious, if not the most prestigious, visual and literary art recognition contests in the US. With that said, winning at the regional level is not going to send any admissions officer into a rave. If you already have one national award under your belt, however, that is impressive, and if you have any Gold Keys going on to national judging this spring, then good luck–maybe you’ll get another, which would be doubly impressive!</p>
<p>How do they notify you? My D applied for At Large and hasn’t heard anything. I guess that means she didn’t get anything, but I’m wondering how you were notified. Thanks</p>
<p>Brown14, yes, 8 regionals are worthy of notice, but it’s the nationals that will stand out. I am sure you are pursuing publishing. Send your work to as many places as you can and enter it in contests. Having your writing recognized beyond academia is a big plus.</p>
<p>I wish they notified everybody who participated, b/c I’m not sure whether my teacher hasn’t received anything yet or if I lost…I also participated in the Region at Large but for writing.</p>
<p>hey i just found out i won for region at large for writing as well…what categories did u submit to? i did personal essay/memoir. do u know how many from each category got a gold key? that might determine how prestigious it is to elite colleges…</p>