Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2016-2017

@AlmightySadist I know exactly how you feel! And then we have to wait until April to find out about the SAS!

Ugh, I’ve been trying to keep my mind off of Nationals and I just got an email reminder from them. I just want to hurry up and get this over with.

4 DAYS GUYSSSS OH MY GLOBBBBBBB. I feel the inevitable despair oozing from the Scholastic website.

Good luck to everyone!

Haha, I’ve been dying all week over national results. >.< I told myself I didn’t have any chance, but then I read the online galleries and they were mostly amazing but there were one or two that were pretty average and then I started hoping… it’s been painful

@janeamymigil I know, the anticipation is horrible! I’m going to try to keep my mind off of it by writing (…bad idea?) and jamming along to some music tonight.

Good luck everyone!

We have a snow day for tomorrow so I’m staying up writing some fanfics and hot chocolate, and I will be baking in the morning to keep my mind off it. :smiley:

@AlmightySadist I have a snow day tomorrow too! Do you live in the Northeast?

@janeamymigil Sort of! The very tip of VA! :smiley:

@AlmightySadist ahh so really close to D.C? That’s pretty cool :slight_smile: I live in NJ. I guess we’re both in Eastern Time, so… find out exactly at noon >.<

Guys, medalist notification is out NOW. I just checked my portal to see if they released the information a little early and I found out I won a silver medal for my poem. I’m so excited right now! Congratulations to anyone else who won a medal.

Didn’t win anything but congrats to those who did! =D>

Didn’t win anything either, but congrats!!

didn’t win anything but CONGRATS TO THOSE WHO DID!!! :smiley:

I was a nervous wreck the days leading up to it, and when I found out, I was just like, “oh, ok, whatever” lol

@jxl637 OMG SAME. I could barely breathe yesterday, and when I checked today… minor disappointment. Oh well. I really really wanted to go to the national ceremony esp. since i live in NJ and Carnegie is super convenient to go to, but I’m a freshman and there’s still time. Wondering what other contests I can enter, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I was CRUSHED. I’ve got my extracurriculars tonight and I actually don’t want to go (which has never happened before). There’s always next year, and if any of you want to set up a correspondence, I would love to chat with you guys!

@janeamymigil lol i’m also a freshman and I also live in NJ

@HopeTsai Don’t be too hard on yourself :slight_smile: I’ve realized through this process (the first major competition I’ve entered) that you can receive all the validation in the world from others but the most important and satisfying validation comes from yourself. And tbh, I didn’t really care for my own writing so i never really expected the judges to. As cheesy as it sounds, art isn’t a competition, and there’s always next year to polish up and improve until I finally reach a point when no matter what others say about my writing, I’M proud of it (and that’s the only opinion that truly matters).

I’m really excited because I won a national gold medal :smiley: but at the same time I feel like I’m having imposter syndrome. My work wasn’t even that good and it wasn’t the one I was confident in. I went “what the heck” and wrote it literally an hour before the deadline, editing as I went. I was so shocked when it got a regional gold key and the other didn’t, and even then I thought it was a fluke and had zero expectations for nationals. You can imagine my surprise when I saw it was awarded a national gold. Now my friends and family are asking to read it and I’m embarrassed because 1) i’d feel embarrassed if they read any of my works and this isn’t even one I’m confident about and 2) tbh it sucks in comparison to the other national winners and i just know that people are going to go “why did this win…” when they read it so yeah I know I should be happy but I’m feeling anxious and regretful as well… So in that sense I agree with @jxl637 that your own opinion is what truly matters. I can’t really be happy with the validation of others because I’m not satisfied with myself.