School atmosphere

<p>Hi. I'm considering Pomona, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the atmosphere of Pomona. What are the students like, is it diverse, what types of things do people usually do in their spare time? If I go to Pomona, I will be playing volleyball as well. Know anything about school spirit, etc? Any info is great. Thanks!</p>

<p>I would do a search on here as there are multiple threads on this. Pomona students love their school , why not the school totally spoils their students. Students are very friendly, extremely bright and talented but unassuming. There is a lot of school pride. There is plently to do without ever leaving campus, but my S gets to the beach and local museums, concerts, a lot. There is always something to do in LA. My S feels it was one of the best decisions of his life and most students seem to feel similarly.</p>

<p>I'm currently a junior and I would describe Pomona's atmosphere as friendly, laid-back, and liberal. Besides that, it's pretty diverse in terms of the type of people at Pomona (although one's perception of "very diverse" really depends on where you are coming from and what else you are comparing it to). There are honestly all different types of people here, and their choices of activities vary as well. The school has parties that it sponsors on weekend nights (and if there isn't one at Pomona, then there are parties at the other colleges you can go to) as well as dorm parties. The school has movie-showings every weekend (Thur-Sun, for $2), which are normally movies that aren't in the movie theatres anymore, but not out on DVD yet either. The gameroom is open every night and the school has different social events, which might include casino night, spa night, baking night, DDR/ping-pong/quiz-bowl tournaments, bringing in a swing/jazz band, etc. We bring in speakers, usually on weeknights or afternoons that students can attend for free. Once in a while, the colleges bring in some famous person or band to campus. Pomona also just got the SageCoach last year, and that usually takes people to an off-campus SoCal area (such as Pasadena, Walt Disney Concert Hall, Magic Mountain, etc.) pretty much every week, and the trip is usually free, with tickets for concerts subsidized. Other people might just hang out in the hall with their sponsor groups or go off campus and go downtown for the afternoon (taking the Metrolink). If you have a car, you can even go to the beach.</p>

<p>I've gone to a few volleyball games. The games definitely are not packed by any means, but there are always people there cheering. The people I know on the team seem to have a lot of fun with it and we won all the games I went to. Games against CMS (Claremont-Mudd-Scripps) are usually highly attended, since they are our big rival team.</p>

<p>Hope that helps. If you have any more specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them.</p>