<p>Is it okay if I submit the school forms after the deadline ? Cause they won't be available before that time... =\ Is it the same for all schools?</p>
<p>I think the absolute final postmark deadline for all forms is 1/1.</p>
<p>Aren’t they supposed to give a littttle leeway for materials not controlled by the students though? I know the EA deadline was 11/1 and my teacher submitted it over a week and a half later but they still looked at it.</p>
<p>I think that they have to be in by the deadline. Are your teachers having a problem getting them done?</p>
<p>I have a question: What if one of your teachers wrote a really crappy rec (not bad, just… like two sentences or smth)? the other one from a math teacher was good but and counselor one was excellent</p>
<p>I believe it’s okay for some materials to come in after the deadline. The deadline is for submitting materials under the control of the applicant, i.e the application including the essays. Recs, transcripts, SAT scores can come in a bit later (but not too long afterward). If one rec is inadequate, try to secure another one.</p>
<p>Yeah, cause the transcript has not been issued yet, and they’re having trouble completing the recommendations at time…
And michael9, I have the same problem…
I’m really stressed !</p>
<p>just call the admissions office and ask them :)</p>
<p>and for the crappy recs… well i dont know what to say cuz i thought the students werent allowed to see or read them? thats how it is at my school anyways. you just give your teachers the stuff and they mail it out for you…</p>