School of Business

Is it worth it to attend Texas A&M where you may not have a chance to major in business v. another university where it will be easy to major in finance? What happens to all the kids who get into Texas A&M and want to major in business and then after two years are told that they cannot get in?

not sure anyone can place a value on what major a person chooses and if it is worth giving up that major just to attend the preferred university. As for your second question, the major in something else or transfer if the degree is more important to them than the university.

If you want to major in business and are happy to major in Econ if you don’t get accepted to the business school, then go to A&M. If you want finance and Econ will not do (they are very different in curriculum) go elsewhere where you have been accepted to major in finance.

Thanks to both of you for answering. I attended Texas A&M a hundred years ago but it has changed so much.

@woodlandsmom I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking? Why do say ‘after two years they can’t get in’? When you apply to Texas A&M, you List majors you’re applying for. If you get acceptance into A&M, you know what major you’ve been accepted into. Freshman apply directly to Mays-which does fill up quickly, by end of October this year-with auto & academic admit applicants.
There is no waiting 2 years to find out if you get into Mays, or not.

@52AG82 This is always an issue for those who do Blinn TEAM and the like.

@itsgettingreal17 true, but it’s made very clear that Mays is difficult to transfer in to, whether TEAM or transfer.
I got the feeling @woodlandsmom was asking for high school applicants? But I could be wrong.

It happens all the time at A&M. And my opinion is, NO, it’s not worth trying to get in from the outside at A&M. Most business students are admitted as freshmen and there are very few spots for existing students. There are a lot of other great universities that have more fair admissions policies.

@woodlandsmom I would say if you (or your child not sure which you are?) can get into Mays as a freshman, absolutely do it! Only 1,000 freshman and 100 transfers every year. It’s a great business school!
If you are set on some kind of business and A&M, but don’t have grades/scores for auto/academic admit to get into Mays, then you might apply for AgBusiness or straight Economics, Finance.
If you aren’t set on A&M, there are other good business schools to apply to. UH Bauer School, for one, is great!

Agree with everyone. My son wanted finance but didn’t get Mays. He’s an econ major and absolutely loves it. Said he sees how versatile it is and you can apply as early as Sophomore year to the MS in Finance program through Mays. You’ll finish in 5 years vs adding on another 2 years after graduation. It’s called the accelerated program. Check it out.

I am the mom. I have a junior in high school. I was under the impression that you applied to get in and that you were “pre-business” until you had taken the main general classes then after that you would be accepted into Finance for example. I will be honest, the tour guide we had was terrible. It was the worst tour we have had and I was so disappointed. She said at least 5 times that they only accept 900 kids into the business school. My son got into the car and said I guess I shouldn’t even apply. It was disheartening to say the least. We also know quite a few kids who went there who have pretty decent grades who were not admitted into the business school. He is absolutely applying to Texas A&M and it is his first choice but he really wants to major in finance. My husband and I both went there and love the school. I just hope he gets into the school outright.

@woodlandsmom I toured 12 universities with my daughter. Hands down A&M was THE WORST. We had 2 guides (one in training), and that made it doubly awful. My husband-a die hard Aggie grad-came along with us. Even he agreed, the tour was pathetic. Our guide told us, “our mascot is a dog!” I wanted to cry-does anyone ever refer to Miss Rev as a dog, or even a mascot?! It just went downhill from there. I encourage you to fill out the email survey you should get after the tour.

As far as Mays Business School-like all other majors (at pretty much every school), you apply directly to Mays. Mays takes 1,000 incoming freshman each year, so you know right away if you got in, or your 2nd choice. Mays is highly competitive. Your son needs to be automatic admission or academic admission to have a chance, as it fills up quickly (it was full by end of October this year). If he doesn’t get into Mays, he can still major in Economics, AgBusiness or several other similar majors, they just aren’t in the Mays School.

Tell your son to finish strong this semester, retake SAT and ACT this summer, if scores need to be boosted, and apply early.

@52AG82 I sent a very long email to the college of business. I was a recruiting hostess in college and very involved in the MSC SPO, my husband was honored as an Aggie 100 entrepreneur and we both thought our college experience was amazing. However, the tour of Mays was awful and even the tour we had of the dorms was not good. The girl lectured me when we wanted to see the new dorm. (it was about 35 and sleeting when we were there) He is right at top 25% and has a 30 ACT. He may be top 26%… His GPA is about a 4.3. I am not sure he will be auto admit.

@woodlandsmom did you take 2 separate tours-a Mays tour, as well as general campus tour? I’d be shocked if a Mays specific tour was bad-we have been overly impressed with all things Mays! But, our general campus tour was truly embarrassing. I didn’t go to A&M, but being married to an Aggie, I am quite familiar with campus, traditions. I could’ve given a much better tour! Our guides had very little knowledge of the dorms, other than “there isn’t enough housing, so you’d better apply early or you won’t have a spot!” My husband asked specifically about Modulars, and the guide gave us a ‘deer in the headlights’ look-no clue! The whole tour was simply terrible. I did give them WAY more feedback than they asked for on the survey ?.

If your son can take both ACT & SAT one more time, it couldn’t hurt. He may not get into Mays, but definitely research AgBusiness (very popular), Economics as 2nd choice major options. And I would have him mention your husband being honored as an Aggie 100 entrepreneur in his essay!

@woodlandsmom if your son gets into business/Mays then yes they are general business until prereqs are met and then they appy to upper division classes. This is similar to many other degrees for what some call the professional phase. However, Mays still only accepts 1000 freshman into the program to start.