School recommendations please?

<p>I've started my college search and would appreciate any suggestions from personal experience, brief or otherwise.
I want to attend a school in California, New York, Connecticut, Massachussetts or Pennsylvania- possible majors biochemistry/ chemistry/ biological sciences. SAT scores 700 maths, 720 cr, writing 680.
Ta very much :)</p>

<p>great test scores, since you want to major in the sciences, there are a number of UC schools that would be perfect for you! UCLA, Berkeley, UCSB, UC Irvine, UCSD. USC would also be a great place but it is a little pricey.</p>

<p>I know with those kinds of scores, you are probably setting a lower limit on colleges. But, there are schools that have very good programs. I went to Pitt for a semester, and I know that their natural sciences are excellent. </p>

<p>Also, you can’t really go wrong with Cornell, since it seems to be ranked highly in every topic known to man. That goes for the 4 other Ivies in the states you named. </p>

<p>Also, in Massachusetts, I know that Tufts and Brandeis are good for sciences. </p>

<p>In new york, there is also U of Rochester. </p>

<p>in PA, there are too many good schools to name, as well as California.</p>

<p>Are you an international? </p>

<p>Is money a concern? Or will your parents pay for whatever the school costs?</p>

<p>Are you pre-med?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the replies! I will will def look into the uc’s/ cornell/ brandeis/ tufts.
To mom2collegkids: Yes I am international student living in london (not premed- thinking more towards academic research atm). Price is definitely an issue for me as my (single) mum is a student herself, so I’ll be applying to schools that guarantee to meet full demonstrated need, but I am a us citizen so may be eligible for certain grants. I know my SAT scores aren’t in the top notch calibre but I really think I’ll be able to knock them up maybe 20 points or more the next time I take them. My uk grades are all A’s.</p>

<p>Price is definitely an issue for me as my (single) mum is a student herself, so I’ll be applying to schools that guarantee to meet full demonstrated need, but I am a us citizen so may be eligible for certain grants.</p>

<p>Do NOT say that you’re an int’l if you’re a US citizen. You are NOT an int’l. You are a citizen who lives abroad. You will not be using the int’l application. You will use the application for citizens.</p>

<p>Do not apply to any UCs…they don’t give their aid to people who don’t live in Calif. That would be a big waste for you. You would get a small amount of free fed aid for schools that cost $50k per year for non-residents…not a good idea.</p>

<p>Since you need big aid, then you need to apply to schools like the ivies, Vandy, etc…because they give big aid to those who qualify with little or no loans.</p>

<p>For financial safeties, you need to apply to schools that will give you big merit for your stats.</p>

<p>Possibly my favorite thread and one you should look at: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;