School Spirit

Does cal poly lack school spirit? If so, to what degree? I got in and am considering attending, but I don’t want to be bored with dull people who don’t seem to care about thier school or the sports.

This brings up a great question. I graduated from Poly 25 years ago, and I’ve often wondered what my life would’ve been like if I had gone to a school that had a tremendous amount of school spirit (e.g. Go Gators, Bruins, Auburn, Clemson, etc.). How important is it for our life/career to have school spirit?

I went during a transition period when we had moved from Division II to I. There was a referendum for a student vote, and the entire school population was divided on the issue. Do we vote for spending $300/yr tuition increase to fund for Division I facilities and programs? (that was a lot back then when our tuition was only $1K/yr) I recall, the vote was quite close, with almost 50/50 split with Division I winning by a small margin. It seemed like the majority of the supporters were non-engineering (ag, liberal arts, business, etc.) and frat/sorority students, and non-supporters were the majority of my STEM/engineering friends who tended to be a bit more on the introverted side and cared less about school spirit. I remember some of my friends making bold statements like, “we came for the education, not for the football team!” Although I have to admit, it is fun watching our NCAA mens basketball team play at Honda center and make the bracket every once in a while. :slight_smile: