Social Scene at Cal Poly Slo

What do people do on the weekends? Are there big frat parties and stuff? Or bars that everyone goes to? What is it like compared to UCSB? Im not a crazy partier but I definitely like to socialize and have fun after working hard all week. Thanks!

I’m only saying this with second hand knowledge from my son, but there appeared to be plenty of opportunities for those inclined to socialize and party, but it isn’t like that was required for students to feel like they fit in. From what I gather, UCSB has a little more of a party vibe.

My daughter is a freshman, class of 2023, very social, joined a sorority, and is having the time of her life. She says people there seem so happy, there’s always tons to do and the party vibe is strong! I think the key to being happy and feeling social at your future college is finding the people you connect with the most. That was her greatest concern going there - that she wouldn’t find those people and she did - immediately. She loves it so much there that she’s worried she’ll have college withdrawals over the coming long Winter break. As a parent, I love hearing how happy she is.