Schools for wildlife conservation?

Hi! I’m a college freshman in Florida. I’m planning on transferring to UF, but I’m not entirely confident in my ability to actually get in. I think I’m going to get an associate’s in forestry, but not sure where to go for a bachelor’s if I don’t get into UF. Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense!

SUNY ESF Great program at a great price. Very respected in the field. Far from home but flights are easy and relatively affordable.

Univ of Vermont?

Florida State has several relevant tracks in its biology major, including ecology, botany, and zoology. It’s an excellent option for those interested in organismal biology.

Wildlife conservation is a very competitive field that does not pay well, so I’d avoid expensive out-of-state colleges that would leave you in debt. It’s increasingly common for jobs to expect a master’s degree, so your undergraduate college is less important.

I second SUNY-ESF. It’s not too expensive, even out of State. They also have an associate’s degree in forestry called “Ranger School”

Best of luck to you.

Thank you! If I were to obtain a master’s, would you recommend getting it in something other than wildlife conservation? Would I want a broader degree?

@blackbearys It all depends on what you want to do. Environmental Studies, Wildlife conservation. forestry and biology are all interrelated but will branch off in different directions.

The most lucrative jobs in that arena are Environmental Engineers. Often with expertise in water quality.

Forestry is different.

I recommend SUNY ESF because you can focus on any one of those things.