Schools mask mandates…public schools prek-12

Please just list…no commentary.

Public schools in CT will have required mask wearing at least until the end of September.


IL has a required mask mandate for public schools as well. No end date as of yet.

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HI Public schools have mask mandate as well as indoor mask mandate. It was never lifted.

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PA is up to the school district. Just saw a clip on the news saying school bus masking is also up to the district.

Sorry. Well I’m TN the governor mandated an opt out. So if your district has a mandate like Nashville and Memphis, he basically ruined it.

Oregon has a mandate for all K-12 schools. No end date at present.

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NY gets a new governor next week and she said in a matter of days she will announce one but doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.


New Mexico–masks universally required at all public, private and charter schools, grades preK thru 12 via statewide mandate. This applies to students, teachers, administrators and other staff, and any visitors on campus. No end date.

The Floyd school board (a small, rural district in SE New Mexico) voted to make masks and social distancing optional and the entire board was suspended by the Public Education Dept. The school district superintendent now reports directly to the state Education Secretary.

Starting tomorrow all school employees are required to be fully vaccinated or undergo weekly covid testing.


VA governor says law states schools must follow CDC mitigation strategies, so masks are required in all K12 schools

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In Colorado, there is no statewide mask mandate for K-12. Whether to require masks is up to individual school districts.

New Jersey indoor mask mandate for all K-12 schools, public, private and parochial.


No state-wide mask mandate in MA, but there is a mask mandate in our town (and several others).

Each school district in Maine can make its own decision about masks. Our school board just voted to require them this fall.

In KY and our governor issued a 30 day mandate which was followed by a Department of Education mandate for the entire year subject to a change if conditions improve.

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Michigan is not mandating, but the top doctor is stating that they should be required. It’s up to the school districts.

Ohio is not mandating. Up to individual school districts. My local city schools (urban) are requiring masking. Seems the majority of other districts I’m seeing are not.

I bet everyone knows Florida’s status:

Gov DeSantis has banned K-12 schools from having a mask mandate.

But….about 4 counties have chosen to still do so anyhow because of the high Covid numbers, increase in children’s infection rates, significant increase in hospitalization rates, ICU rates and harder time having ambulances available for 911 calls.

And more recently he said that it should be up to the parents whether to quarantine their child if they have been exposed to a positive tested child, and even if they are positive but asymptomatic.

Our grandson’s preschool in Denver has had a mask mandate since last year.

At the high school where my son teaches in California, the principal stands at the school gate every morning and any kid not wearing a mask is handed one. No ‘my dog ate my mask’ excuse.