Schools that notify applicants early?

<p>Perhaps I am too anxious, but I was wondering if any of the following schools are known to notify some applicants earlier than the published date (for instance, in February or early March):
Wake Forest </p>

<p>Any info would certainly be appreciated!</p>

<p>Look up messages for these schools on past years of CC and you’ll get an indication of when each college posts its’s results.</p>

<p>Some of Cornell’s colleges do rolling admissions starting some time in February - CALS I know for sure and I think ILR, Hotel, and HumEc do too, or at least a few of them.</p>

<p>The Ivies have an agreed upon mutual notification date.</p>

<p>I’m about 90% certain that all top 20 schools (except for WashU) very rarely send out any decisions early, other than “likely letters.”</p>

<p>WashU does a weird, rolling thing, but they’re basically the only ones who do it among the elite institutions, to my knowledge.</p>

<p>…and the comment above about the Ivies is absolutely true. They all report on March 31/April 1</p>

<p>stony brook</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! </p>

<p>Any word on Wake Forest, Vanderbilt, or Swarthmore?</p>


Rice sent their ED notifications out two days early this year and they’ve done it in past years too. Doesn’t really count as rolling but still early…</p>

<p>University of Washington lets students know before their “April 1” date. Maybe they say they will send all “by” April 1, not on April 1. Either way, some people know already.</p>