Science majors at LC

<p>I'm planning on attending LC next year with a major in science. However, I'm stuck between chem, physics, and biochemistry. Does anyone know anything about the strength of these areas or what the classes/subjects are like? If anyone also knows what the best one to pursue to be able to switch around and explore the different subjects would be that would be excellent.</p>

<p>Yay! I hope you have a great experience at L&C!</p>

<p>I’ve only taken an intro-level chem class out of those subjects, although I know people who are majoring or have majored in all three, and I have only heard good things about all of them. Since you don’t have to declare a major right away, I might hold off on that and figure out a set of classes that would allow you to fulfill major requirements for any of those majors for the first semester (For instance, general chemistry 1: chem 110 is required for BCMB and biology, and recommended for physics). The good news is that even if you don’t figure those out perfectly this summer, you can change them during the first few weeks of school. I changed every class I was taking on the first day of class this past fall!
Schedule-wise, here’s information about each of the majors:
Biology: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Biochem: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Physics (the second and third page): <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Some thoughts on Chem 110: It’s a lecture class, which makes it one of the biggest classes you’ll take at Lewis & Clark. I think there were maybe 80 people in the lecture section? There’s separate, way smaller lab and review sessions, so you get the one on one interactions with professors. I was really impressed, though, because even in the lecture section, my professor knew everyone’s name really quickly, and I got to be a TA for a chem class she taught second semester. </p>

<p>If you do physics especially, you’ll spend time with the math department, and they’re awesome. They go on hikes together and students are always hanging out in the math department lounge doing homework and talking to professors. </p>