Score Choice

So, Princeton says that “we encourage all applicants to submit all their test scores”.

So, does this mean that we should do it, or is it Ok to use score choice and not send earlier bad scores?

“Encourage” does not mean “required”.

But unless you show a profound downward trend (if so, why are you applying?), then why ignore their request? What are your scores?

Actually, I show a positive trend. However, I entered the SAT 7 times (such is the norm where I live. You enter at the end of your sophomore year, and every possible trial in your junior year. I actually registered for all trials in junior year at the summer) This was before I knew that I’d apply in the USA.

My question is, will so many exams taken lower my chance? And if yes, which scores should I send?

@ahmedsheta If it truly is the norm in your culture, don’t you think Princeton will know that, and not hold it against you? But yeah, in general, power-gaming never looks great to adcoms.

Son took it four times: 7th grade (part of Duke TIP program) and then once each year before SCEA (fresh, soph, junior). IMO 3-4 is good. Just take SAT blue book practical tests in-between real tests.

Seven attempts is generally considered excessive. My son took it once. I’d suggest sending the three or so most recent. Good luck!

3 most recent AT MOST! Some of the top tier schools’ admissions websites (I believe Yale was one) said that any more than 2-3 is too many. I would send the best two personally. Definitely don’t send 7 - immediate red flag and props reject at Pton et al.