<p>Son already has his tutoring job and part-time contracting job (very few hours) but the department head put out a request for a research assistant so he applied for that. There weren't many details on the job but it has the advantage of good pay, and it will provide him with more research experience. It also means that he can do it on campus so no logistics issues. Are other students looking for research work or internships for the regular semester, and, if so, how are you going about it?</p>
<p>My D just got hired on as a research assistant with a neuroscience prof. </p>
<p>At her school, these positions are posted through the student employment office. She decided before the end of last semester she wanted to start doing research this year (she’ll be a soph), so starting in early June, she began checking the employment postings everyday via the school’s website. As soon as she saw a job posted that interested her, she contacted the prof by email, provided her CV, references and explained why she thought she was a good fit. She found 2 positions 2 weeks ago–and clicked with one of them. The prof hired her within a week. She’ll start as soon as she returns to school after Labor Day.</p>
<p>D had gotten her previous job ( for spring term last year) as a TA and grader for the math department by straight out asking her instructor if the department hired freshman as TAs (which generally they don’t) and then asking him to recommend her to the department anyway–which he did. She was hired and then hired back to TA again for this fall since her evaluations from the spring were good.</p>
<p>She’d also gotten an offer to do research at another school (which she decided not to attend) when she was just touring the campus. She went into the Bio department (she wasn’t in a tour group, but by herself), stopped to put her head in the door and introduce herself, then began chatting with the prof about his research. She visited three labs and did the same thing each time. At the end of the afternoon, she had an invitation to come join one research group if she matriculated and a job offer to babysit for one of the profs.</p>
<p>What can I say? She’s bright, outgoing, self-possessed and good at speaking with adults.</p>
<p>D. has been having Tutor job with Chem. prof (paid position, called Supplemental Instructor) with very few hours per week. She also had volunteering. She contacted Med. research lab for potential opennings last spring and got unpaid internship position with them to start this fall. She is even getting one credit hour for that. She had to drop volunteering, but she has enough hours.</p>